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常州大学院教案 第 6 次 2 学时 上课时间 第6周 教案完成时间 2013年 暑假 课题(章节) Unit 9 Explaining How Something Works 教学目的与要求: Describing processes; Giving instructions ; Explaining the feasibility study. 教学重点和难点 Help students to know how to describe processes. learn how to give instructions. grasp useful words and expressions. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Warm-up activities. 2. Listening practice on the basis of the questions in the textbook. 3. Ask students to make discussion about the topic in Talking Points. 课堂练习 Watch the video, then complete the summary. After finish the video, answer the questions in each part. Discuss the topics concerning describing processes. Then illustrate the viewpoints in each group. 本次课教学小结: Lesson 9 Explaining How Something Works (第九课 解释他们是怎么工作的) DESCRIBING PROCESSES 描述过程 GIVING INSTRUCTIONS 进行操作说明 EXPLAINING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY 明可行性研究 Derek explains how Big Boss works. Mr. Wong looks at some old toys. Edward explains the feasibility study forFriendly Fish. CLIVE HARRIS: Can I get you a cup of tea or something? 克莱夫?哈里斯:给你拿杯咖啡或别的? MS WONG: No, thanks, I’m fine. 黄女士:No, 谢谢, 不用了。 CLIVE HARRIS: Please have a seat. Well, Sally, you’ve seen the company. You’ve seen our products. What do you think? 克莱夫?哈里斯:请坐。萨利,你参观了公司,也见过了我们的产品。你认为怎么样?MS WONG: You have a wide product range, but they’re all dependent on the same chip technology. I think we may be able to supply you with some of the necessary circuitry ...but, of course, we need to speak further about this. 黄女士:你们的产品样式很多,但都依赖同样的芯片技术。我认为,我们可以为你提供必要的电路元件……当然,我们还要就此再深入交谈。CLIVE HARRIS: Well, thanks for coming in. 克莱夫?哈里斯:噢,谢谢你的来访。 MS WONG: It has been most interesting. 黄女士:这次参观很有意思。 DEREK JONES: This is the latest prototype. 德里克?琼斯:这是最新的模型。 PHIL WATSON: How does it work? 菲尔?沃森:怎么用? DEREK JONES: Say something to the boss. 德里克?琼斯:对“大老板”随便说点什么。 PHIL WATSON: Like what? 菲尔?沃森:比如? DEREK JONES: Anything. There’s a microphone in Boss’s ear, and it will recognise certain commands. It records what y


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