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Statistical Inference, Multiple Comparisonsand Random Field Theory课件
Statistical Inference, Multiple Comparisonsand Random Field Theory;Overview…;…a voxel by voxel hypothesis testing approach
reliably identify regions showing a significant experimental effect of interest
Assessment of statistic images
multiple comparisons
random field theory
spatial levels of inference power
false discovery rate ? later...
Generalisability, random effects population inference
inferring to the population
group comparisons
Non-parametric inference ? later...;realignment motioncorrection;Statistical Parametric Mapping…;Multiple comparisons…;Classical hypothesis testing…;Multiple comparisons…;Family of hypotheses
Hk k ? ? = {1,…,K}
H? = ? Hk
Familywise Type I error
weak control – omnibus test
Pr(“reject” H? ? H?) ? ?
“anything, anywhere” ?
strong control – localising test
Pr(“reject” HW ? HW) ? ?
? W: W ? ? HW
“anything, where” ?
Adjusted p–values
test level at which reject Hk ;p = 0.05;The “Bonferroni” correction…;Random field theory…;;Euler characteristic…; E[?(Au)] ? ?(?) ? |?| (u 2 -1) exp(-u 2/2) / (2?)2
? ? large search region ? ? R3
?(?? ? volume
?|?| ? smoothness
Au ? excursion set Au = {x ? R3 : Z(x) u}
Z(x) ? Gaussian random field x ? R3 + Multivariate Normal Finite Dimensional distributions + continuous + strictly stationary + marginal N(0,1) + continuously differentiable + twice differentiable at 0 + Gaussian ACF (at least near local maxima);Smoothness, PRF, resels...;Component fields…; Component fields…;Smoothness estimation…;
General form for expected Euler characteristic
?2, F, t fields ? restricted search regions ? D dimensions ?
E[?(W?Au)] = S Rd (W) rd (u);;Poisson Clumping Heuristic;Levels of inference…;Summary: Levels of inference power;SPM results...;SPM results…;SPM results...;连监佯墩威茅最贺等怖竿乖盐良瘦廉掣颠娄骚宣洁友赶菊哗劳雏雨崖吏莹Statistical Inference, Multiple Comparisonsand Random Field Theory课件SPM Course slides;SPM results…;SPM results...;SPM results...;Assumptions…;Random effects…;;Multi-subje
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