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《物流与供应链管理》(LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT)Capsule summary of the book:The world changes unpredictably, which is dependent on the quick transformation of supply chain to adapt to the variational circumstances. This book focuses tightly on those variations mentioned above, emphasizing the problems that appear whenenterprises attach importance to complicated management, as well as whenforecast-driven business modeltransforms into demand-driven business model. Also, this book elaborates how to gives enterprises dominating and competitivesuperiority with effectivelogistics and supply chain management.Chapter1 Logistics, the supply chainand competitive strategy1.1Supply chain management is a wider concept than logisticsOne goal of supply chain managementmight be to reduce or eliminate the buffers of inventory that existbetween organizations in a chain through the sharing of information ondemand and current stock levels. This is the concept of ‘Co-ManagedInventory’ (CMI).The focus of supply chain management is upon the managementof relationships in order toachieve a more profitable outcome for allparties in the chain. This brings with it some significantchallengessince there may be occasions when the narrow self-interest of one partyhas to be subsumed for the benefit of the chain as a whole.1.2Competitive advantageAt itsmost elemental, commercial success derives from either a cost advantageor a value advantage or, ideally, both. It is as simple as that – themost profitable competitor in any industry sector tends to be the lowestcost producer or the supplier providing a product with the greatestperceiveddifferentiated values.A useful way of examining the available options is topresent them as a simple matrix.ServiceleaderCost andservice leaderCommoditymarketCostleaderValue advantageCost advantageTo summarize, those organizations that will be the leaders in the marketsof the future will be those that have sought and achieved the twinpeaks of excellence: they have ga


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