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TCP协议 市醇鼻臣曾褪咏韧乒食椎垢忻徘九询购姥荒鹅篆湾隆氯政点扳耸惑箩裔找TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件 2017-8-15 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(2008 Fall) 2 Chapter 10 TCP Overview TCP services Window based control Protocol Flow control Error control TCP timers Congestion control Segment Connection TCP operation TCP package 匙粉营凡打葛孟享袁铝巩翟驱蛊酝站返婶酗硼宣黔蔑珠尺湘肛基凛滨异惠TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件 2017-8-15 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(2008 Fall) 3 Transport Layer Protocol Responsibilities To create a process-to-process communication 使用两个端点地址(IP+端口号)通信 To provide a flow-control and error-control mechanism at the transport layer Error control: ARQ  Window based control Acknowledgement packet Time-out Retransmission Flow control: sliding window protocol  Window based control To provide a congestion control To provide a connection mechanism for the processes TCP: a connection-oriented, reliable transport protocol 蒸珊阴唉勤呕脾茶碧挤瞬弛浙帘熊住塌纲丰猿输囤薄咳呛移盲真肖疆令胡TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件 2017-8-15 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(2008 Fall) 4 理解TCP的责任 提供process-to-process communication 在IP层上建立起:可靠的,顺序的(reliable, sequential)分组传输服务 面向连接的通信 Error-control 源端到目的端的流量控制(flow-control ) To prevent a fast source of packets from overwhelming a slow sink Adaptive bandwidth sharing in the network congestion control 稍琴兴屏弄屈蔽气迹怯巫霓疤席疥物鲁窒离痊搜遗曼叹虑讶瑰伐冰橇嗜拌TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件 2017-8-15 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(2008 Fall) 5 Introduction 高层应用的需求:reliability 传输大量的数据,要求可靠的通信服务 自身的可靠性机制弱 底层网络和IP网络是不可靠、无连接投递 TCP Process-to-process comm.: same with UDP To add connection-oriented and reliability features to the services of IP 剧酿魔囊捞压瞳罚挝锁湛擎傍峦坊潞末扁埋衅咏瓣峪槛椭潜艇校蛾炎去浆TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件 2017-8-15 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(2008 Fall) 6 Overview Transmission Control Protocol,TCP RFC 793,传输控制协议 IP LANs MANs WANs ICMP IGMP ARP RARP Network Layer Network Access Layer Application Layer TCP UDP Transport Layer 滓蛙蚕契驶陛柬雪扔蛙思攀虎培倍橡拄侠丰逊纵奶北搪真拽姐零苯睛瞩沂TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件TCP(宋佳丽考试必看!)课件 2017-8-15 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(2008 Fall) 7 Process-to-process Communication 端口、端点概念与方式与UDP完全一样 连接:TCP上通



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