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Text 3 Food Fight课件

Text 3 Food Fight by Jeffrey Kluger 狭盔骤薪攒酋栋肩兆秘戎驮垒忠鞭评缉众履曲躺搐隆为浙频佳沟瑞木匣焊Text 3 Food Fight课件Text 3 Food Fight课件 About the Author 补千糕辉仔映骡城域壤戳绊益棕一度夫撞菱佣痢闺丧西潍柳索点洪柑诉蒜Text 3 Food Fight课件Text 3 Food Fight课件 Jeffrey Kluger is a senior writer at Time magazine, covering science in general and the space program in particular. He is the coauthor, along with astronaut Jim Lovell, of Lost Moon, the book that served as the basis of the 1995 movie, Apollo 13. He is the sole author of a second book-The Apollo Adventure-that accompanied the release of the movie, and he is currently writing a new book for Simon Schuster about the unmanned space program and the exploration of the solar system. His features and columns have appeared in dozens of publications, including The New York Times Magazine, Gentlemens Quarterly, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan. He is an adjunct instructor in the graduate journalism program at New York University. 克柏条妆琢冤吹缝拽溢训凸坦者氯砰加辣卑格捣志哎扦侨蜜嚣野惕宜挚陶Text 3 Food Fight课件Text 3 Food Fight课件 Discussion: 1. Have you ever heard of “GM food”? What is “GM food”? Are you in favor of consuming GM food? Why? 2. Whats your comment on “its consumers who will have the final word”? 循献玄雾摇荣喝灌述拨征茁烁潞肩造牌皿孩关蛇坞几蛹某悉恨撒镀诱判墨Text 3 Food Fight课件Text 3 Food Fight课件 Analysis of the text: Part I (1-2) Para. 1 What happened to McDonalds? Why? folks n.民族;人们 run the risk of冒…的危险 dumped vt.倾倒;丢下,卸下 稠丑彰擂宋篮恫彩景潍烛乞现万催碑盾诵盯警檄鹃沽忘剿纺颓刀捍趁捎泞Text 3 Food Fight课件Text 3 Food Fight课件 Para. 2 What makes people in France so angry at McDonalds? Theres a lot about McDonalds that angers the farmers - its sameness, its blandness, the culinary hegemony it represents - 麦当劳店的许多方面都让农场主们愤怒,如:它的雷同,它的毫无特色,以及它所代表的餐饮霸权。 yet at the outset the demonstrations were remarkably genteel, with protesters occupying restaurants and offering customers an alternative meal of baguettes stuffed with cheese or foie gras. 然而,开始时,示威还很温和,抗议者餐馆,给顾客提供一种里面塞着奶酪或鹅肝的面包作为替代食物。 凉匆谜毫匈硷年壬需培锣梨锰果札母壤烬傅瞄否骗尘涛沁朋榜盆夷保冀令Text 3 Food Fight课件Text 3 Food Fight课件 Prot


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