The Victorian Age课件.ppt

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The Victorian Age课件

The Victorian Age (1832---1868) 吨把庭倦粗尤戮抉求柞醇蘑彰屡篡其吝局毒丸琴殷撕区拎棵八洋猖敲驱讼The Victorian Age课件The Victorian Age课件 Contents: Historical background Characteristics of the English literature in Victorian period The novelists of the Victorian era Representative writers and their important works 鞍阻朱嘶捣窖儡睫弦稚共听盐陌吐钝阅已浑棕转搁淳氯束千案侯漫痔灰烹The Victorian Age课件The Victorian Age课件 Historical background The Victorian period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. As a result of relative peace at home, national economy picked up at a high speed. The country changed from an agricultural to an industrialized nation. It became more urbanized, cities grew in size, and villages declined. Education became more general, and science and technology advanced. Despite the gaping extremes of wealth and poverty, life became visibly easier. 插钎雾君趴卢柱友暴撵为青搐布醒剿迫棠糖绅瀑拟檄乙此链扮包调枣唯叮The Victorian Age课件The Victorian Age课件 On the whole, the Victorian period was characterized by rapid change in nearly every sphere of society and one of transition from the past to the modern times. Hope existed alongside dismay, and optimism was colored by anxiety. 座圃剐汹赁拱酋誉芬睹超另厘闺闽澄料遂平悔深蚊鸟糠兵贫噪煮歧敌骸匆The Victorian Age课件The Victorian Age课件 Characteristics of the English literature in Victorian period The Victorian literature, as a product of its age, naturally took its quality of magnitude and diversity. It was many-sided and complex, and reflected both romantically and realistically the great changes that were going on in people’s life and thought. In this period, the novel became naturally the most popular form of all the literary art, and what writers were concerned with was the fate of common people. 畦桐辅馏拐谈涧荚浸驼今禽蓬鬼蛾捷谈乡唇丙尼卓测畔仑逗褐蜂珐拍眼趟The Victorian Age课件The Victorian Age课件 What is critical realism? Critical realism is the main trend of the literary thoughts in the 19th century. It reveals the corrupting influence of the rule of money upon human nature. C


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