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In the mid-19th century,the southern part of the United States is plantation(殖民地) slavery,the northern part is bourgeois(中产阶级)employe labor system,the contradictions(矛盾)between these two kinds of systems caused the political and economic oppositions,and concentrated on the issue about supporting and againsting the slavery system,and this caused the civil war.The novel satirizes the foolish religion and condemned the sin of slavery by describing white kids with a fugitive(逃亡) slave lived in a vagabonds(流浪者) life in the mississippi river,and propagandizes(宣传) the idea that everyone enjoys the rights of freedom regardless of race. When Injun dies,his treasure is divided between Tom and Huck,who is now adopted by Widow Douglas.Twain had made Tom the hero of American boyhood,and the book had become the classic read in schools.By telling this story, Twain fulfils his and other adult’s dreams of ideal boyhood. All the cruelties(残酷行为)and fears,wonders and joys of childhood are brought into vividness. ? 1. Childrens Navity(天真) and Innocence Tom Sawyer who has the characteristics of children in general. Confronted(勇敢面对) with any kind of circumstances, Tom responds by making a game of it, by relying on his reading, by posing or acting out a part. 2.Playing Truant He tries to truant by deceiving, but failed. 3.Love-affair Mark Twain also writes about what children feel about those of the opposite sex. 4.Childish Imitation(模仿) Tom asks Becky for a kiss only because that is ritual he has read about in books when people get engaged. 5. Childrens Curiosity Behavior ” When Mark Twain creates Tom Sawyer and other characters in the story, he gives prominence to childrens curiosity, attempting to capture the general feeling of young readers. 6.The Tendency to Heroism(英雄主义) Tom wishes to travel around the world, to be a soldier, a plainsman, a pirate .At the end of the story, after experiencing much terror, Tom, along


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