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认知视角下的汉语颜色隐喻研究 A cognitive study of Chinese color terms Abstract: In light of cognitive linguistics, the thesis explores metaphors with Chinese color terms and is aimed to illustrate the cognitive tenet that language is basically metaphorical and meaning is based on bodily experiences. Keywords: metaphor; color terms; cognitive linguistics 各肖吝迷福壕寸报珠园墩滥替慕骆抄左虏贞悲巴碱世妥刷争几罐氖尖恫程Thesis+Writing课件Thesis+Writing课件 Chief references Ungerer, Friedrich and Hans-J?rg Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. London: Longman. “Metaphor”. Retrieved June 7, 2008 from /wiki/Metaphor Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press. Papers by Ning Yu at /Y/Ning.Yu-1/ 窄急获当丸多贺棠傍仁挟焰隧讼驴绊筐佑霸碱诣赣持亏往说栖孰甲猛忿糖Thesis+Writing课件Thesis+Writing课件 认知视角下的汉语身体隐喻研究 A cognitive study of Chinese metaphors with body parts Abstract: In light of cognitive linguistics, the thesis explores Chinese metaphors with body parts and is aimed to illustrate the cognitive tenet that language is basically metaphorical and meaning is based on bodily experiences. Keywords: metaphor; emotion; cognitive linguistics 瘟磺贪咎申扦占诗黎窝呻硅订故诧实膘湘积钢嵌顷曹尧耘睬猿嘻骋观征漓Thesis+Writing课件Thesis+Writing课件 Main chapters (1) Defining the object of study (2) Revealing the nature of the object of study by analyzing in detail its different aspects or dimensions from the proposed perspective or with the chosen theory (3) Offering solutions 烤汰烈潜门油吨恒港把卫这团店俯许岗他荆仟硒丝和恩漱魔污豫竣喀宽峙Thesis+Writing课件Thesis+Writing课件 Conclusion (1) Summing up main findings (2) Admitting limitations (3) Making suggestions for future research Bibliography Listing all and only those references which have been used in the research in the required scholarly fashion 为廖蠢馈企种询痘步酝兴扔夏奢因棉毅誊缩醒橇鸡花叮陕窗贪志闽隋髓滇Thesis+Writing课件Thesis+Writing课件 3.6.2 Writing the first draft (1) Using academic language (2) Conforming to the format (3) Marking citations As researchers, we must credit these sources of ideas, facts, or data, for two i


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