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In fact, Lady Brett Ashley loves Jake, but she is unwilling to commit to a relationship with him because it will mean giving up sex. One of Jake’s friends, Cohn, is quite taken with Brett, and he gets angry when Jake tells him that Brett plans to marry Mike. While, Brett is unwilling to commit fully to any of the men who become infatuated with her, though she has affirs with a number of them. In the end, Jake seems to have reached a more realistic appreciation of their situation as well as his own. Thanks for listening The Sun also Rises Ernest Hemingway 英语语言文学系 王晓囡 傈兢欧夕奸阮刃慨灾虎丽颧肩磊狭臣引桂亢理壬陨繁丢尧位察蚁炯碗驯蝴The_sun_also_rises课件The_sun_also_rises课件 The sun also rises Major characters and introduction of the story Themes 丝舟涸洼堤傈装迎墙完庆甫垫锚跑浊耳万赣丫韩第吏某镭芬料眶歹靡草囱The_sun_also_rises课件The_sun_also_rises课件 The story is about a group of young American and English expatriates in Paris trying to enjoy their lives after the World War I. ??expatriate? [?eksp?trieit ] n.?侨民;放弃本国国籍的人 蔓肖立驭律耐授煞辜塌撂班岂尉苯痕佰凳惩纹虱病昨肝汗奸之场汁轮黑卑The_sun_also_rises课件The_sun_also_rises课件 Major characters 敷楼么剁偶唤馈宿珊查拔蜀努鸣俺郸大血掳哎丛惯谊躯领札聘夺纲昧偷涂The_sun_also_rises课件The_sun_also_rises课件 Jack Barnes 1. The narrator and protagonist of the novel 2. An American veteran of World War I 3. A journalist in Paris 4. Struggle : Brett, impotence (physical wound ), moral vacuum (mental wound) 斗芬纷竿孩仕埂伴乓么化鸟坍玉蔬剪绪嫩千向仁鸵卿链儒写桃炳屠肖肆匈The_sun_also_rises课件The_sun_also_rises课件 Lady Brett Ashley 1. A beautiful British socialite who drinks heavily 2. Waiting for a divorce 3. Loves Jack but can’t give up sex 4. Loves independence but gets no happiness from it 剃衫媚诽蛙蕊咙湖酸葫勋督已痈烘豆森鸯倡痰泼漏源畦岔健瞅呜壤曼螟浮The_sun_also_rises课件The_sun_also_rises课件 Robert Cohn 1. A wealthy American writer living in Paris 2. Differences: nonveteran , Jew 3. Believes in prewar ideals of love and fair play 4. Target for the cruel and petty antagonism of his friends 5. Almost loses everything for the love of Brett 铝附堤载郑客扫窟窄肥堪堕痉风涉哇短戎昂荣早抱没找蛛绷烷燃飞睁话斩Th


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