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The Tiger (from Songs Of Experience) By William Blake ; Translation (卞之琳 译) 老虎!老虎!火一样辉煌, 烧穿了黑夜的森林和草莽, 什么样非凡的手和眼睛 能塑造你一身惊人的匀称? 什么样遥远的海底、天边 烧出了做你眼睛的火焰? 跨什么翅膀它胆敢去凌空? 凭什么铁掌抓一把火种? 什么样功夫,什么样胳膊 拗得成你五脏六腑的筋络? 等到你的心一开始蹦跳, 什么样惊心动魄的手、脚? ; 什么样铁链?什么样铁锤? 什么样熔炉里炼你的脑髓? 什么样铁砧?什么样猛劲 一下子掐住了骇人的雷霆? 到临了,星星扔下了金枪, 千万滴银泪洒遍了苍穹, 完工了再看看,他可会笑笑? 不就是造羊的把你也造了? 老虎!老虎!火一样辉煌, 烧穿了黑夜的森林和草莽, 什么样非凡的手和眼睛 能塑造你一身惊人的匀称? ;Analysis;;; What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? This verse continues the allusion to a creator, who, having made the fearsome beast, must confront with the sheer terror of a tigers nature. ;When the stars threw down their spears, And water’d heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Here the poet wonders whether the creator of the fierce tiger could also make the gentle lamb. He seems have a confliction between the creation of heartless, burning predator and its potential victim, the lamb.; Tiger! Tiger! burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? The final verse repeated the wondrous question of the tigers creation and gives the reader another chance to think the question, “What immortal hand or eye?”; The answer lies in the readers interpretation of creation: Did God create the fearsome along with the gentle? Why does He allow the tiger to burn in the dark forest, while the lamb gambols in the glen under the stars of that very creation? ; Meter


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