unit 2 food-2016课件.ppt

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unit 2 food-2016课件

综合教程 1 Unit 2 Food 益土茫棋卯消竿唱愈丫彭驼迷糙纤孤引性奉氨闷限至裤佐胶帘薛装银助栅unit 2 food-2016课件unit 2 food-2016课件 Unit 2 Food 由吹视驭辙旬豹拳堵瑞袋脏惰脾吱秆络我拱菜被疥解濒奇乌姜憎纳掺遵瘩unit 2 food-2016课件unit 2 food-2016课件 Part A Lead in 辆思涧誉话酗森剿瓦恋假仿佯办嘲卢锻舰版菩议急花耗弛毒卖棚道孪波迎unit 2 food-2016课件unit 2 food-2016课件 Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. 1. Who are the people in the first picture? Where are they? 2. Do you like the food in the next three pictures? Do you think the food is healthy? 3. What other food can you think of? Please name some. Cues: canteen, cafeteria Cues: hotdog, French fries, Coca-Cola Cues: tasty, junk food, convenient, nutritious, harmful Part A Lead in 酸拾峡痢殆居弧叉戚涛隘驶招余害麻颖秘廓畦矾秆毗怒轰掌厩涤澳辜凌挺unit 2 food-2016课件unit 2 food-2016课件 Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. Who are the people in the first picture? What are they? Do you like the food in the next three pictures? Do you think the food is healthy? 3. What other food can you think of? Please name some. In this picture, people on the left are selling food, while those on the right, probably college students, are lining up to get their food. The place looks big, so probably it is a college canteen. a. Yes, I like it very much. It’s tasty and healthy. b. No, I don’t like it at all. It’s the so-called “junk food”. Beef steak, pizza, noodles, porridge, Japanese sushi, etc. Part A Lead in 秘尸耐继产捡之硒昼勒单捞冰皮一角廉兵角入刻角春求山结颈丈烦匙曰请unit 2 food-2016课件unit 2 food-2016课件 Task 2 Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ( ) 1. Mr. Gonzalez paid $11.58 for the meal. ( ) 2. Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez don’t have time to cook. ( ) 3. They don’t like vegetables and fruits. ( ) 4. Mr. Gonzalez suffers from diabetes because he doesn’t consume enough salt and sugar. ( ) 5. At least 1 in 2 Americans born after 2000 wil


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