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Can you guess what is my topic? VS Which one Will you choose? European cuisine Chinese cuisine You may like these Puff  Spaghetti Sandwich Pizza Stew eggplant clay pot Or these Sweet and sour spare ribs  Red-cooked pork  Stewed pork leg But I would like to talk about Chinese cuisine About Chinese cuisine How do foreigners like Chinese cuisine? What do they like most? videos Chinese cooking techniques Braising 炒 Pan frying 煎 Stir frying 炒 Deep frying 炸 Quick boiling 氽 Scalding 烫 High heat stir frying 爆 Baking 烤 Smoking 熏 Bake stewing 煨 Gradual simmering 炖 Slow red cooking 卤 Steaming 蒸 Decoction 熬 Dressing 拌 Pickling 腌 The dish looks good, smells better, and tastes the best. 色香味俱全 VS chopsticks knives and forks VS cooked raw VS large piece of meat sliced meat VS Well-done Not well-done In foreigners’ eyes, The bill board is like this Top 1.  Sweet and Sour Pork 糖醋里脊 Top 2. Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 Top 3. Spring roll  春卷 Top 4.  Fried rice with egg 炒饭 Top 5. Mapo bean curd 麻婆豆腐 Top 6. Dumplings 饺子 Top 7. Wonton 馄饨 Top 8. Peking Duck 烤鸭 Top 9. Chow Mein 炒面 Top 10. Fried shrimps with cashew nuts 腰果虾仁 Which one is your favorite ? Thank you!


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