
剑桥商务英语1 Money and income.ppt

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剑桥商务英语1 Money and income

Question 1.Think of the company you work for, or that you are interested in. 2.How was company financed when it was set up ,and how is it financed now? 3.What is personal finance? Devaluinga currency is like peeing in bed,it feels good at first, but pretty soon it becomes a real mess. 货币贬值就像尿床,刚开始感觉特爽,等到睡醒就傻了。(这段对汇率贬值最经典的评论来自美联储官员2013年的发言。 ) 阿富汗 美联储 美元 斯威斯兰纸币 伊朗纸币 俄罗斯纸币 Currency Wars(货币战争) 金正男的儿子——金韩松 日本右翼2013.4.23登钓鱼岛 1 Money and income A Currency The money used in a country - euros, dollars, yen, etc.-is its currency. Money in notes (banknotes) and coins is called cash. Most money, however, consists of bank deposits: money that people and organizations have in bank accounts. Most of this is on paper - existing in theory only - and only about ten per cent of it exists in the form of cash in the bank. BrE 是指British English ,英式英语 AmE 是指American English,美式英语 B Personal finance All the money a person receives or earns as payment is his or her income. This can include: a salary: money paid monthly by an employer, or wages: money paid by the day or the hour; usually received weekly overtime: money received for working extra hours commission: money paid to salespeople and agents - a certain percentage of the income the employee generates Salaries and wages are often paid after deductions such as social security charges and pension contributions. Amounts of money that people have to spend regularly are outgoings. These often include: living expenses: money spent on everyday needs such as food, clothes and public transport bills: requests for the payment of money owed for services such as electricity,gas and telephone connections Rent: the money paid for the use of a house or flat a mortgage: repayments of money borrowed to buy a house or flat health insurance: financial protection against medical expenses for sickness or accidental injuries tax: money paid to finance government spending. A financial plan, show


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