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General questions in SLA research;General questions in SLA research;What effects does instruction have on second language acquisition?;Does classroom instruction have any benefits for SLA?;2.production accuracy;If the structure is simple in the sense that it does not involve complex processing operations and if the formal instruction is extensive and well-planned, it is likely to result in accuracy. If the instruction is directed at a difficult grammatical structure which is substantially beyond the learners’ current interlangage, it is likely that it will only lead to improved accuracy in planned language use.;Do learners acquire some target-language features before others? The order of acquisition (学习者习得多个不同语言项目时的次序) How do learners acquire a particular TL linguisitic feature? E.g. interrogatives The sequence of acquisition(学习者习得某个特定语言项目时所经历的动态发展过程);助动词be, 冠词a/an the;S 1: he work today? Sir play football today? S 2: What you (are) doing? Where you go? S 3: Can you speak English? How can you say that? S 4: Does she like where she lives? ;1.Instructed learners manifest the same order of morpheme acquisition as naturalistic learners. 2.Grammmar instruction may prove powerless to alter the natural sequence of acquisition of developmental structures. 3.Premature instruction may cause learners to avoid using structures and so may inhibit acquisition. 4.Grammar instruction can be effective in enabling learners to progress along the natural order more rapidly. 5.Formal instructions directed at features that are not subject to developmental constraints can succeed irrespective of the stage the learner has reached. ;4. the durability of formal instruction;4. the durability of formal instruction;The learner Input Interaction Output ;The nature of language learning;1. linguists and the chimpanzee 2. Why can’t 狼孩 learn to speak? ;UG ,LAD The natural ability is genetic. Around the age of puberty, process in language development usually begins to slow s


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