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1.3 What Is a Computer—Based Information System 授课班级:教育技术系 2009级本科 授课教师:钱 研 (1) Six Elements of a Computer—Based Information System The six elements of a computer—based information system are hardware, software, data/information, people, procedures, communications . Data consists of the raw facts and figures that are processed into information. Information is summarized data or otherwise manipulated data. People operate the computer hardware , they create and use the computer software , and they face ethical issues and decisions regarding the use of information technology . they enter the data and use the information the system generates .They also follow certain procedures when using the hardware and software. description: [ dis‘krip??n ]? ?n. 描写,描述 accomplish: [ ?‘k?mpli? ]? ? v. 完成 documentation: [ .d?kjumen’tei??n ] n. 文件 manual: [ ‘m?nju?l ]? ? a. 手工的,体力的 n. 手册,指南 reference: [ ‘refr?ns ]? ? n. 参考,出处,参照 guide: [ gaid ]? ? n. 引导者,指南 v. 指导,支配 guideline: [ ‘gaidlain ]? ? n. 指引, 大纲 Procedures are descriptions of how things are done ,steps for accomplishing a result. procedures for computer systems appear in documentation manuals ,also known as reference manuals and user guides ,which contain instructions , rules ,and guidelines to follow when using hardware and software. 计算机系统的程序出现在文件手册中,文件手册也被称为参考手册和用户指南,在文件手册和用户指南中包含使用计算机硬件和软件时的说明书,规则和指南. individual: [ .indi‘vidju?l ]? ? a. 个别的 n. 个人,个体 microwave: [ ‘maikr?uweiv ]? ? n. 微波 satellite: [ ‘s?t?lait ]? ? n. 卫星 element: [ elim?nt ]? ? n. 成分,要素,元素 Communications :the manner in which the various individual systems are connected—for example ,by phone lines ,microwave transmission , or satellite—is an element of the total computer system. 通讯:是指各种各样的私人系统被连接在一起的方式——例如,通过电话线,微波传输,或卫星,通讯是整个计算机系统的一个组成部分。 incredibly: [ in‘kred?bli ]? ? ad. 难以置信地 complicat


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