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线性表的交(The linear table)
线性表的交(The linear table)
# includes stdio.h
# includes malloc.h
# define list _ init _ size 100
# define listincrement 10
# define okay 1
# define specific 1
# define flase 0
# define error - 1
# define overflow - 2
typedef int status;
typedef int elemtype;
typedef struct {
elemtype * elem.
int length;
int listsize;
} sqlist, * psqlist;
status initlist (sqlist * l)
制空表 {/ * * /
l - elem = (elemtype *) malloc (10 * sizeof (elemtype)); / * 动态分布一个空间 * /
/ / if (! l - elem) exit (overflow);
l - length = 0; / * 当前线性表元素的个数 * /
l - listsize = list _ init _ 初始存储容量 size; / * * /
return ok;
status destroylist (sqlist * l)
销毁线性表 {/ * * /
free (l);
l - elem = null;
l - length = 0;
the listsize - = 0;
return ok;
status listlength (sqlist l)
return l.length;
status getelem (sqlist l, int i, elemtype *)
用e返回l的第i个数据元素的值 {/ * and * /
if (i 0 | | l.length) return flase;
* = l.elem [- 1].
return ture;
status locateelem (sqlist l, int, and status (*!) (elemtype, elemtype))
/ / 在顺序表中l, 查找第一个值与e满足compre () 的元素的位序;
elemtype * p;
int i = 1;
p = l.elem;
while (i = l.length ! as * (p + +)) + + i;
if ( = l.length)
return i;
else return 0;
status equal (elemtype, elemtype and)
{/ / 定义equal () 函数
if (a = = and) return 1;
else return 0;
status listinsert (sqlist * l, int i, elemtype and)
在线性表的第i个位子插入e {/ * and * /
elemtype * newbase, * p, * q;
if (i 0 | | l length) return error;
else if (- - = the length listsize)
newbase = (elemtype *) realloc (l - elem (l - listsize + listincrement) * sizeof (elemtype));
/ * if (! newbase) exit (2); * /
q = (1 - elem [- 1]).
* q = and.
p = (1 - elem [l - length - 1]).
for (; p = q; p) * (p + 1) = * p;
+ + + + + + + l - length;
return ok;
status listdelel (sqlist * l, int i, elemtype *)
elemtype * p * q;
q = (1 - elem [- 1]).
* = l - elem [- 1].
p = (1 - elem [l - length - 1]).
for (; p = q; + + q) (q - 1) = * q;
- (1 - length).
return ok;
/ / / (表的合并...
void united (sqlist , sqlist lb)
int the _ l, l
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