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软件测试用户手册(gb8567——88)(Software test user manual (gb8567 - 88))
软件测试用户手册(gb8567——88)(Software test user manual (gb8567 - 88))
1 Introduction
1.1 write the purpose of
Describe the purpose of writing this users manual and point out prospective readers.
1.2 background
A. the name of the software system described in this users manual;
B. the task, the presenter, the developer, the user (or the first user) of the software project, and the computing center where the software is installed.
1.3 definitions
List the definitions of the terms used in the document and the original phrases of the initial letters of the foreign language.
1.4 references
List useful references, such as:
Approved plans, tasks or contracts for A. projects, and approvals from higher authorities;
B. other published documents belonging to this project;
C. documents and information referenced throughout this document, including the standards used for software development. List the title, document number, date of publication and publication unit of these documents, and explain the sources of these documents.
2 uses
2.1 function
Combined with the purpose of the development of this software, the functions and limits of the software are explained by item by item.
2.2 performance
2.2.1 accuracy
The accuracy requirements of each input data and the accuracy of the output data of the software are described by item by item, including the accuracy requirements in the transmission.
2.2.2 time characteristics
Quantitative description of the softwares time characteristics, such as response time, update processing time, data transmission, conversion time, computing time and so on.
2.2.3 flexibility
Show the flexibility of the software, that is, when the user needs (such as the mode of operation, operating environment, results, precision, time characteristics, etc.) have some changes in the adaptability of the software.
2.3 safe and confidential
Describe the design considerations and actual capabilities of the software in terms of security and confidentiality.
3 running en
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