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《归去来兮辞》(Chosun) Linqing flow . This is from the authors inner monologue is so sincere, not false painting. Tao Yuanming did not want to win the common custom of wealth, do not expect to escape the suffering of life and flew to Wonderland, will join the nature, to preserve their own spiritual realm of any a complacent. He readily from around things, see all the lovely life wit. Come on appears two times, but the emotions are different. The first author is determined to return at the time of the declaration, second appeared, the author has been thinking about it from the numerous career on the back, the mood is very calm. I consider to do music, Fu Xis doubt is the author of the philosophy of life and livelihood conclusion. Some people think that the inevitable negative, combined with the background of Tao Yuanmings life, it is his positive life performance. Tao Yuanming in the text, he asked the official to abandon the fact that the official and the motives of the naked written out, with the quality of meeting people, is the most faithful performance of others. If you want to be an official, dont try to be suspicious; if you want to hide, you are not hiding. (Su Dongpo) the poets frankness is worth learning. Four, art appreciation (previous comments may be projected) 1. sincere feelings, simple language, dual syllable, like the sounds of nature, showing a natural true color beauty. The authors express Do not leave their finishing, pure natural. Chosun peiran such as heart outflow, did not see a pretension. (Li Gefei) Natural language all new, luxurious fall to simple. (Yuan Haowen) 2. rich and creative imagination, full of romance. This article is written, will return to the occasion, the people did not return, and the heart has been first, The return journey and to imagine various circumstances, is significant to the Kennedy and cut heart italy. 3. allusions, as all language as their own, totally useless code trace. Such as seeing not advice, but the future The cha



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