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低血压(Hypotension) Low blood pressure health care prescription In general, the blood pressure in adults is lower than 12/8 kPa (90/60mmHg) for hypotension. People with low blood pressure are prone to syncope and shock. Hypotension is common in chronic consumption diseases, malnutrition, cardiovascular diseases, digestive tract inflammation, ulcers, etc., and is more common in young women. The clinical symptoms of hypotension mainly include headache, dizziness, chest tightness, asthma, fatigue, energy concentration, insomnia, poor appetite, cold limbs and slow pulse. Once your position changes, your eyes turn black and dizzy. For patients with chronic hypotension, the doctors prescription for health care is: 1, the doctor in time to determine the cause of hypotension; 2, increase diet nutrition, eat more warm, spleen and kidney food; 3, appropriate to eat more salt, can raise blood pressure, improve dizziness, drowsiness, weakness and other symptoms. But salt intake should not be too high; 4, often eat ginger, can promote digestion, stomach, and elevated blood pressure. Ginger can be sprinkled on the soup with ginger tea or water; 5, eat less white gourd, watermelon, celery, hawthorn, bitter gourd, mung beans, garlic, kelp, onions, sunflower seeds, such as antihypertensive effect of food; 6, actively participate in physical exercise, and enhance physical fitness. Diet conditioning Treatment of hypotension disease, diet therapy is one of effective measures for the treatment of this disease, patients can gradually improve the physical quality, improve cardiovascular function, increase myocardial contractility, increased cardiac output, increased arterial wall tension, thus gradually raise blood pressure and stable at normal levels, eliminate the discomfort brought the symptoms of hypotension. Diet choices for low blood pressure patients include the following: In 1, halo and eat, reasonable collocation diet to ensure adequate nutrient intake overall, the constitution from



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