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; 一、Be型虚拟(should加动词原形) 某些从句中谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可省略。 1、在demand, insist, move, order, command, prefer, propose, recommend, ask, request, suggest, vote等之后的相关从句里(包括这些词的表语从句、同位语从句等) we demanded that the meeting (should) be postponed. My suggestion was that he go with us. 2、表示主观看法。比如“某事是必要的、重要的”等,一般是在“It is +名词/形容词+that从句结构中。相关的形容词包括:advisable, desirable,essential, imperative, important,necessary, obligatory, proper等。 It is advisable that you (should )leave now。 3、表示”恐怕、担心、以免、万一“等,如if, lest, in case, for fear that后。 He took his raincoat with him in case it (should) rain。 注意,in case 后也可接一般现在时。但lest后只能用虚拟。 You must wake him up lest he should be late for school. (以免;免得) 4、表示祝愿、诅咒等意义的特殊表达结构里。 Long live the friendship between China and Afirca. ; 二、 were型虚拟 某些从句中的谓语动词时态往过去倒退一步。 1、wish, if only, would rather, would sooner, had rather等表示希望、但愿、宁愿的单词短语后的宾语从句中。 I would sooner he came here now. (与现在的情况相反) I wish he had appeared that day.(与过去的情况相反) 真题演练: It’s getting late. I’d rather you ____ now.(2011) a. left b. leave c. are leaving d. will leave 比较:would rather do sth/ would rather do sth than do sth 2、if, as if, as though, though等引导的条件状语或让步状语从句中,表示非真实的条件或者让步。 Though the whole world were against me, I would do what I consider to be right. If there were no subjunctive mood, English____much easier to learn.(2009) a. could have been b. would be c. will be d. would have been 3. it is (high/about) time从句中动词用一般过去时,表示“早该是……的时候了”。其中that可以省略。 It is time we left the office. 比较:It’s the first/second/third…time that后用完成时态。 ; 三、if条件句及主句虚拟 三、if条件句及主句虚拟 if引导的非真实条件从句中用were型虚拟,主句一般用情态动词过去式 (should、would、could、might)加动词的各种形式,如加动词原形表示客观或者现在,加动词进行时表示正在进行,加完成时表示过去或者动作完成。 If we __________ 200 years old,we __________ everything. A. were to be,could change?????????????????????????????????????? B. had been,changed C. were,would have changed??????????????????????????????????? D. should be,changed 1、时态混用:主句和从句中的谓语动词可能不是同时发生的动作,所以主从句要单独分析。 If


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