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第 39 卷 第 17 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.39 No.17 2011 年 9 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Sept. 1, 2011 大型机组启动备用变非全相保护配置方案探讨 1 1 1 1 2 乔永成 ,寇海荣 ,王云辉 ,王新中 ,张道农 (1.阳城国际发电有限责任公司,山西 晋城 048100;2.华北电力设计院,北京 100120) 摘要:大型机组启动备用变断路器发生非全相时,产生负序电流,依据产生负序电流的大小对接于其上的负载造成不同程度 损伤、同时对系统产生影响,必须及时切除。分析了变压器非全相运行时的相序电流和相序电压与故障前负载电流的关系。 启动备用变在轻载时,负序电流非常小,传统电流保护不易判断,提出了负序电流比例增量保护思路,设计出采用负序电流 比例增量判据的非全相保护逻辑图。结合实例分析了现行启动备用变非全相保护存在的问题,给出详细配置方案以及在不同 情况下的启失灵方案。 关键词:启动备用变;非全相;负序电流比例增量;保护配置;失灵 Discussion on the open phase protection scheme for standby transformer in large scale generator units 1 1 1 1 2 QIAO Yong-cheng ,KOU Hai-rong ,WANG Yun-hui ,WANG Xin-zhong ,ZHANG Dao-nong (1. Yangcheng International Power Generating CO. LTD,Jincheng 048100 ,China;2. North China Power Engineering CO. LTD , Beijing 100120 ,China ) Abstract :When the breaker of the starting-standby transformer runs with open-phase ,it will produce negative sequence current that will damage the loads which connect to the transformer to different degree depending on its magnitude ,at the same time it will influence the power system ,which should be promptly removed. This paper analyses the relationship between the phase sequence current and voltage in open-phase condition and the normal load current. When the standby transformer is in small load,the negative sequence current is so small that the traditional protection relay can’t identify it easily. New scheme of the negative sequence proportion increment and the diagram of open-phase protection are presented. It analyses the problem


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