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# 9# 地矿测绘 2008, 24( 3): 9~ 11 CN 53- 1124 /TD ISSN 1007- 9394 Surveying an M app ing of Geology an M ineral Resources * 吕长广, 张先为, 李淑青 (山东正元地理信息工程有限责任公司, 山东 济南 250014) : , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; ; : P 272 : A : 1007- 9394(2008) 03- 0009- 03 D ifference and Its D isposalM ethod of C ity and Coun tryside Land A rea Calcu lation in Land Survey LU Chang-guang, ZHANG X ian-w e,i LI Shu-qing (Shandong Zhengyuan Co. L td1 of Geo-Inf ormation Engineering, Jinan Shandong 250014, China) Abs tract: In secon lan inqu iry throughout the country, there is the ifference of lan area calcu lation m etho s. A rural istrict is base on ellipsoi area; a tow n istrict is base p lane area. The both ifferences of area vary w ith the e- term inate rule. W hen inquiry istrict lies in the e ge nearby of the projection zone, the ifference value betw een ellipsoi area an plane area reaches maxmi um in same p lot. Th is paper intro uces the ifference isposalmetho to ensure the consistency of lan inquiry ata attribution. K ey w ord s: lan survey; ellipsoi area; p lane area; projection zone; ifference; city; countrysi e ; ; A ~ E 0 m , 1B500( 1B 1 000) , , (xy) , 1B1 1B5 000 [2] : 1 1 : 1B 1( 1B5 000) P = E x (yi i+ 1 - yi- 1 ) = E y (xi i-


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