2010年考研英语大纲 不得不看(In 2010, the English syllabus had to be read).doc

2010年考研英语大纲 不得不看(In 2010, the English syllabus had to be read).doc

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2010年考研英语大纲 不得不看(In 2010, the English syllabus had to be read)

2010年考研英语大纲 不得不看(In 2010, the English syllabus had to be read) Behind more than or no way to forget, front back. Old king hall swallows, flying into the homes of ordinary people. Read a hundred times, its meaning from the view. The wind blows strongly. the Yi River is so cold, the hero will go never to return. I think of heaven and earth, sorrowful and tears down alone. 2010 graduate English syllabus revision and compilation has been settled, the hard work of graduate students and the heart finally calmed down. So, there is no outline change? What are the specific changes? How should we respond? Such problem is this stage has been the concern of the graduate students. The author made the following analysis about the new syllabus and postgraduate students problems. A comprehensive outline of the narrative and years of testing experience can be summed up, no significant revision of the outline in the form, but on the content and test sites also have certain amendments. The following points: The design and selection, the article did not change, but the key is more fine. According to the provisions of the 2010 national graduate entrance examination syllabus, reading comprehension part has the following requirements in the proposition: The 1. part mainly tests the students reading comprehension comprehensive language knowledge and reading skills ability to understand English writing materials, candidates can read different types of texts (amount of not more than 3% of the total vocabulary by reading materials), including letters, books and magazine articles, should also be able to read and I study or work related documents, technical specifications and product introduction. 2. according to the reading materials, candidates should be able to understand the specific information, grasp the idea, guessing the meaning of new words or inferred the authors implication. 3. candidates according to the four articles provided by (a total length of about 1600 words, a total of 20 qu



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