mulan:report, huamulan 花木兰报到 general lee.ppt

mulan:report, huamulan 花木兰报到 general lee.ppt

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mulan:report, huamulan 花木兰报到 general lee

General Lee: turn right. At ease. Still sb step the right foot. 向右转。休息。 依然还有人踩右脚 Mulan: report, huamulan. 花木兰报到。 General Lee: huamulan, in the formation. 花木兰,入列。 Mulan: yes, sir. 是,将军。 Scene Four Back home Thank you! * 花木兰 Scene one Recruitment NARRATOR: In the Northern Wei Dynasty, social economy was prosperously developed. Citizens lived a stable and harmonious life. Nevertheless, the nomadic people in the Northern China frequently got through the Great Wall and disturbed down south. Shanyu is leading them. 在北魏王朝,社会经济得到蓬勃发展,老百姓生活安定有序。然而,北方的游牧民族频繁越过长城,南下滋扰。他们是由单于领军。 We are under attack! Light the signal! 匈奴入侵,快点烽火!! Perfect! 好极了!! NARRATOR: Defences was set up immediately around the emperors palace. Troops were sent out to protect the northern border. Besides, the emperor required the council to call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible. 皇城周围马上建立了防御。军队被召集起来去保卫北方的边界。而且,皇上让丞相通令全国各地征兆壮丁,紧急召集所有军人回营服役。 Mulan: (curious) what is it? 什么事? Mom Hua: mulan, stay inside. 木兰,你别出去。 Chi fu: citizens, I bring you a proclamation from the imperial city. The huns have invaded。by order of the emperor, one man from every family must serve in the imperial army. The Hua family. 相亲们,我从京城带来皇上谕令。匈奴已侵犯中原。皇上亲下诏书,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军。花家接旨。 Fa Hua: I am ready to serve the emperor. 草民已准备为国效劳。 Mulan: no. Dad, you cant go. 爹爹,你不能去。 Mom Hua: mulan! 木兰! Mulan:please sir, my father has already fought bravely 官爷,求求你,我爹年事已高,也已经上过战场 Chi fu: silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a mans presence. 住嘴!你该教教你女儿男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份? Fa Hua: mulan, you dishonor me. 木兰你让爹丢尽颜面。 Chi fu:report tomorrow at the WUSHU camp. 明日午时,军营报到。 Fa Hua: yes, sir. 是 Fa Hua: its an honor to protect my country and my family. 能够保家卫国是我的荣耀。 Mulan: so you will die for ho



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