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诗歌翻译赏析;诗歌赏析;诗歌翻译的原则;; 《江雪》;一、关于《江雪》;这是一首押仄韵的五言绝句,“千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。”绝:绝迹。人踪:人的踪迹。灭:消失,没有了。千山:虚指所有的山。万径:虚指所有的路。 这两行的意思是:所有的山上,都看不到飞鸟的影子;所有的小路,都没有人的踪影。“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。”孤:孤零零。舟:小船。蓑:蓑衣。笠:斗笠。这两行的意思是:(在)孤零零的一条小船上,坐着一个身披蓑衣,头戴斗笠的老翁,在大雪覆盖的寒冷江面上独自垂钓。;北京大学吴小如这样解读:“首先,诗人用‘千山’、‘万径’两个词,是为了给下面两句中‘孤舟’和‘独钓’的画面作陪衬。没有‘千’、‘万’两字,下面的‘孤’、‘独’两字也就平淡无奇,没有感染力。其次,山上的鸟飞,路上的人踪,本来是极平常的事,也是最一般化的形象。可是,诗人却把它们放在‘千山’、‘万径’的下面,再加上一个‘绝’和一个‘灭’字,这就把最常见的、最一般化的动态,一下子给变成了极端的寂静、绝对的沉默,形成一种不平常的景象。;张海鸥(2000:300,301)认为《江雪》写的是静态,“诗人运用了对比、衬托的手法:千山万径之广远衬托孤舟老翁之渺小;鸟绝人灭之阒寂对比老翁垂钓之生趣;画面之安谧冷寂衬托人物心绪之涌动。孤处独立的老翁实际是诗人心情意绪的写照。” ;原文: 千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。 (柳宗元:《江雪》;译文一: Fishing in Snow From hill to hill no bird in flight; From path to path no man in sight. A lonely fisherman afloat Is fishing snow in a lonely boat. (许渊冲 译);译文二:River Snow These thousand peaks cut off the flight of birds On all the trails, human tracks are gone. A single boat – boat – hat – an old man! Alone fishing chill river snow. (摘自Mair, Vivtor H. (ed.) The Shorter Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature, Columbia University Press/ New York, 2000) ;译文三: River Snow A hundred mountains and no bird, A thousand paths without a footprint; A little boat, a bamboo cloak, An old man fishing in the cold river-snow. (Witter Bynner 译文);译文四: The Snowbound River O’er mountains and mountains no bird is on the wing; On thousand lines of the pathways there’s no footprint. In a lone boat on the snowbound river, an old man, In palm-bark cape and straw hat, drops his angle string. (吴钧陶 编译);译文五: The birds have flown away from every hill. Along each empty path no footprint seen. In his lone skiff his bamboo garments screen An aged fisher from the snowstorm chill. (Fletcher 译文);译文六: Myriad mountains – not a bird flying. Endless roads – not a trace of men. Only an old fisherman in a lonely boat, Angling silently in the river covered with snow. (吴经熊 译);译文七: Snow River O’er mountains and mountains could be seen no birds Along paths


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