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2010 仪 表 技 术 与 传 感 器 2010 5 Instrum ent Techn ique and Sensor No5 DS18B20 陈生翰, 刘其洪, 丁 柱 ( , 510640) : 提出了一种单总线上多 个数字温度传感器 DS18B20的自动识别 法通过设计由译码器 4LS138二输入四 与非门 4LS00P模拟开关 CD4066组成的电路, 同时应用 Keil C51工具编写 DS18B20 数字温度传感器软件程序, 在单片 机的控制下, 系统以开机初始化形式获取并保存所有传感器的序列号, 自动识别传感器并进行多点测温实验结果表明, 系统能将获得的序列号与各传感器对应起来,使传感器可即装即用, 实现了真正意义上的自动识别 : 单总线; 数字温度传感器; DS18B20; 自动识别; 初始化; 即装即用 : TP212 : A : 1002- 1841( 2010) 05- 0016- 03 Design and Realization of Automatic Identification of 1W ire BusD igitalT ermometer DS18B20 CHEN Shenghan, LIU Q i hong, D ING Zhu ( Sc ool ofM ec anical and A utom otive Engineering, Sout C ina University. of Tec nology, Guangz ou 510640, C ina) Abstract: A m ethod of the automatic identification of mu ltip le DS18B20 d igital thermom eters on a 1W ire bus has been of fered by design ing a circu it composed of a 4LS138 decoder, two 4LS00P quad 2input NAND gates and wt o CD4066 quad bilat eral sw itchs, andw riting program s using Keil C51 for accessing theseDS18B20s. Under the control of SCM, the system reads and stores all DS18B20s ROM codes in the form of in itialization after the system is powered on, and then identifies the therm ometers automatically and m easures the m utlti point tem perature. The expermi ent resu lt show s a onetoone correspondence between the DS18B20s ROM codes is read and the tem peraturem easuring points, wh ich enab les the thermom eters p lug and p lay. So the sys tem realizes the automatic identification in the real sense. K ey words: 1w ire bus; d igital therm ometer; DS18B20; autom atic identification; in itialization; plug and play 0 4LS00P CD4066,


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