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第 2 卷第 4 期/Vol. 2 No. 4 南方电网技术 交直流并联电网/ pp. 13-36 2008 年 8 月/Aug. 2008 SOUTHERN POWER SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY AC/DC Parallel Grid 文章编号:1674-0629(2008)04-0028-04 中图分类号:TM743 文献标志码:B 汽轮发电机组轴系扭振保护装置 RTDS 测试 李战鹰,韩伟强,黄立滨,杨煜 (南方电网技术研究中心,广州 510623) RTDS Test to Torsional Stress Relay Devices of Turbine Generators LI Zhan-ying, HAN Wei-qiang ,HUANG Li-bin ,YANG Yu (CSG Technology Research Center, Guangzhou 510623, China) Abstract : The torsional stress relay (TSR) devices has been 关键词:实时数字仿真;次同步振荡;扭振保护;实时数字 applied in Pannan plant. In this paper a closed-loop test system is 仿真;闭环测试 established with RTDS technology to study whether the TSR de- vices can effectively function to protect the turbine generators. The 汽轮机和发电机转子惯性大,对轴系本身的低 test system consists of RTDS, TSR devices, power amplifier, real 阶扭转模态十分敏感,呈低频高应力的受力状态。 HVDC control and protection equipments. The hybrid HVAC/DC 由电气扰动引起的机组轴系扭振可以分为两类:一 RTDS model of China Southern Power Grid was set up to simulate 类 是 由 串 联 电 容 引 起 的 的 次 同 步 谐 振 the combinations of different generators and HVDC operating (subsynchronous resonance,SSR)和有源电力设备 modes. The issue of converting rotate speed signal into high fre- 及其控制系统(HVDC 、PSS 、SVC 等)引起的次 quency square wave pulses for the TSR devices has been resolved [1] 。在 同步振荡(subsynchronous oscillation,SSO) as well. The functional performance and dynamic performance of 交直流混合输电系统,靠近直流换流站的发电机组 the TSR devices were thoroughly tested in the test system, and it is 可能产生这种次同步振荡现象[2] 。自汽轮发电机组 the first time in China for RTDS to be employed to test the TSR 扭振现象被发现以来,国内外对汽轮机组扭振的产 devices under the condition of RTDS connected with real HVDC


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