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Phenomenon is the most mispronounced word “phenomenon” 是英语中最容易发错音的单词 The word came first in a study of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most people mixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis. 这个单词来自于一个关于术语的研究。“phenomenon” 比较拗口,大部分人在读的时候经常混淆M和N的音。 Anaesthetist came second because of quickly moving between the TH to the letters T at the end. In third place was HYPERLINK /w/remuneration \t _blank remuneration, which is often mispronounced as renumeration. “anaesthetist”(麻醉师)一词在最容易发错音的单词榜单中名列第二,其发音难度在于Th和词末T音素之间的快速转换。第三难读的是“remuneration”(报酬)一词,经常被人们错读为“renumeration”。 With the numbers of Ts and Ss in the word, the fourth most difficult to pronounce was HYPERLINK /w/statistics \t _blank statistics and HYPERLINK /w/ethnicity \t _blank ethnicity was in fifth place. 由于拼写中包含众多的T和S,“statistics”和“ethnicity”分别是第四和第五难读的单词。 Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of? HYPERLINK /w/intelligence \t _blank intelligence. 在3000名接受调查的人中,有一半承认自己在听到别人发音错误的时候都会纠正他们,四分之一的人认为发音错误是智力欠缺的表现。 But suprisingly in the list of admissions, Britons admitted that February was the 12th hardest word to spit out. 但令人吃惊的是,在排名列表中英国人认为February这一单词在这张榜单中排名第十二。 A spokesman for Spinvox, a voicemail to text message service, which carried out the research, said: Many words are difficult to say and when we struggle to pronounce a word correctly it makes us self-conscious about the way we speak. 语音转文字短信服务公司Spinvox发起了此项研究,该公司发言人说:“许多单词都很难发音,当我们努力发出单词的正确读音时会自我意识到自己发音的方式。” A word one person finds easy to say, maybe difficult for the next person. Although its worrying that some people find basic words such as February difficult to say. “某一个人感觉易读的单词,可能对另一个人来说就很难发音。然而人们觉得像February这样最基础的单词难读,这一点十分堪忧。” More than a third of people even say they avoid using words they know they struggle with altogether so they do not end up looking stupid. 超过三分之一的受访


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