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2014 2 3 考古与文物 年第 期 20 13 年陕西省考古研究院考古发掘调查新收获 ( , 7 10054 ) 陕西省考古研究院 陕西 西安市 关键词:2013 年 陕西 考古 新收获 :2013 、 、 110 , 93 , 摘要 年共开展考古调查 勘探 发掘工作 余项 其中涉及基本建设的项目 项 调查线性项目长度约 500 ; 670 , 500 ; 1000 , 50 。 公里 勘探面积 万余平方米 线性项目勘探约长度 公里 发掘各个时期墓葬 座 遗址 余处 其中对 , 、 、 西汉昭帝平陵及平陵邑的考古钻探探明了平陵的布局及平陵邑所在的位置 唐代永康陵 庄陵的考古勘探 端陵东门 , 、 ; 、 、 北侧阙门基址的发掘 对认识汉唐帝陵的布局 葬制有着重要意义 清涧辛庄商代遗址 宝鸡石鼓山西周墓地 统万城 , 。 遗址马面及唐昭容上官氏墓葬的发掘 为相关的考古研究提供了新资料 KEY WORDS :2013 Shaanxi Archaeology New discoveries ABSTRACT :In 2013 ,the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology launched more than 110 survey ,archaeological coring ,and excavation projects. 93 of them involving constructional projects and more than 500 kilometers related to the linear projects were covered by the Institute. Totally ,the Institute investigated more than 6 ,700 ,000 square meters this year ,inclu- ding 500 kilometers associated with linear projects. In addition ,the Institute excavated more than 1000 burials and 50 sites dating to various periods. Among them ,the coring project of thePing Mausoleum of the EmperorZhao and the Mausoleum town generated new information regarding the layout of the Mausoleum and the location of the town. The investigation of theYong - kang Mausoleum andZhuang Mausoleum and the excavation of the foundation of the north que gate tower at the east gate of the Duan Mausoleum ,both of them dating to the Tang period ,are of significant value for understanding the


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