计算机vf上机题(The theme of VF computer).doc

计算机vf上机题(The theme of VF computer).doc

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计算机vf上机题(The theme of VF computer)

计算机vf上机题(The theme of VF computer) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 试卷编号:5401所属语言:Visual FoxPro所属方案:vfp23 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 〖第1题〗『Windows操作』(5分)(题号:21) 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。 1:将文件夹“德”内的文本文档“KK”剪切到文件夹“高清”内。 2:删除文件夹“德”内的文件夹“BR”。 3:在文件夹“德”内新建一个名称为“YY”的字文档。 4:将字文档“YY”拷贝到文件夹“高清”内。 〖第2题〗『Windows操作』(5分)(题号:22) 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。 1:将文件夹”再“内的文本文档“SD”复制到文件夹“PP”内。 2:设置文件夹”再“内的文本文档“SD”的属性为”只读”和”存档”。 3:在文件夹”再“内新建一个名称为“AA”的文件夹。 〖第1题〗『网络操作』(10分)(题号:4) 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。 过年了,给你的朋友送一份祝福吧 你的朋友叫刘菲菲,她的邮箱地址是:feifei@ 用Outlook Express发送邮件 主题是:新年快乐 抄送地址是:zhang@ 邮件内容是:身体健康万事如意 〖第1题〗『字操作』(10分)(题号:12) 请在打开的字的文档中,进行下列操作完成操作后,请保存文档, 并关闭字。 1:请将标题(“恒降”牌电脑FAQ)所在段落的文本对齐方式设为”居中”, 字形设为”加粗”,字号设为”14号”,字体设为”黑体”,效果设为 “阳文”,文字颜色设为”红色”。 2: please send the 6 and 7 section Q: my computer was bought for a month to ... I hope... You understand us. Delete. 3: Please translate the first paragraph of we hang down (also known as dead dead ) brand notebook computer... Some problems... Can you solve. Column, column number is 3 bar, column width is equal, without dividing line. 4: insert a random clip in any position of the clip height and width were 90 To 100 pounds; clip around the way to around. 5: please set the borderart as shown in the picture on the right side of the whole document, the scope of application for the whole document. First questions EXCEL (10) (item number: 20) Please proceed as follows in the open window, after the completion of the operation, close Excel and save the workbook. In the data table to complete the following operations in Sheet1: 1: D2 to D7 cells were calculated using the formula of each item and the profit, and sales The same amount column cell format, including television and refrigerator profits for 20% of sales, the rest The goods are 25%. The F2 to F7 format cells as a fraction of the first forms. 2: according to the primary key for the sales in descending order and secondary keywords profits, in descending order,



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