认知心理学复习题库(名词解释)(Cognitive psychology review questions (Glossary)).doc

认知心理学复习题库(名词解释)(Cognitive psychology review questions (Glossary)).doc

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认知心理学复习题库(名词解释)(Cognitive psychology review questions (Glossary))

认知心理学复习题库(名词解释)(Cognitive psychology review questions (Glossary)) Beijing self cognitive psychology review questions (Glossary) The first chapter 1, ecological validity results should also be able to apply to naturally occurring in the real world behavior. P11 2, artificial intelligence: is a branch of computer science, the computer science concern how to create a computer program, to let the computer show that intelligent behavior typically only and human contact. Artificial intelligence is a pure way to explore as much as possible to complete the task efficiently. P15 The second chapter 3, perception: is the use of our previous knowledge, and explain the process of collecting our senses registered stimulus. P23 4, pattern recognition: refers to the identification of the complex array of sensory stimulation. P23 5, the template matching theory is a stimulation of the same set of templates, we stored in the memory of some specific pattern comparison. After the stimulation with many different templates in comparison, we note that the best matching template, this theory emphasizes that stimulus must be accurately matched with the template. P24 6, the prototype model with template matching theory, the prototype model is much more flexible. According to the prototype model, our memory stored in the idealized and abstract model or prototype. When we see a stimulus, we have compared it with a prototype. The theory requires exact matching and template matching, in accordance with the prototype model, the matching between stimulus and prototype does not need very accurate. P25 7, a distinguishing feature of our model: stimulus discrimination is based on the characteristics of the small. These will be a stimulus with another stimulus to distinguish called distinctive features. In explaining how people recognize letters, the model shows that in memory storage with characteristic components of each letter. Assume the distinctive features model, distinctive features of the lett


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