
实用土木工程英语 中国建材工业出版社 Unit 9 Foundations幻灯片.ppt

实用土木工程英语 中国建材工业出版社 Unit 9 Foundations幻灯片.ppt

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实用土木工程英语 中国建材工业出版社 Unit 9 Foundations幻灯片

A deep foundation installation 修建中的深基础 Pile Foundation. Pile is an element of construction used as foundation. It may be driven in the ground vertically or with some inclination to transfer the load safely. Loads are supported in two ways, i.e. either by the effect of friction between the soil and the pile skin or by resting the pile on a very hard stratum. Former is called friction pile and the latter one is load bearing pile. 桩基础。桩是基础施工中的一个的构件。它可以垂直于或稍微倾斜于地面以安全地传递荷载。荷载有两种方式承受,即柱上的荷载通过土和基桩的表面的摩擦力承受,或者荷载通过桩身传递到桩端坚硬土层或岩层上。前者称为摩擦桩,后者称为端承桩。 Pile driving operations in the Port of Tampa, Florida, United States. 美国佛罗里达坦帕港的打桩操作。 Pipe piles being driven into the ground 钢管桩被打入地面 Under-reamed Piles. Structures built on expansive soils often crack due to the differential movement caused by the alternate welling and shrinking of soil. Under-reamed piles provide a satisfactory solution to the above problem. The principle of this type of foundation is to transfer the load to a hard strata which has sufficient bearing capacity to take the load. 扩底桩。由于土壤的交替膨胀和收缩引起的差异移动,修建在膨胀土上的结构往往会产生裂缝。扩底桩为上述问题提供了一个满意的解决方法。这种类型的基础的原理是将荷载传递到具有足够的荷载承载力的坚硬土层或岩层上。 (9)What are some failures of foundations ? (9)有哪些基础失效? Unequal Settlement of Subsoil Unequal Settlement of Masonry Withdrawal of Moisture from the Subsoil Lateral Pressure on the Superstructure Horizontal Movement of Earth 地基不均匀沉降 砌体结构的不均匀沉降 地下水的抽取 上部结构的侧向压力 地面的水平位移 Inadequate foundations in muddy soils below sea level caused these houses in the Netherlands to subside. 在低于海平面的淤泥土中的基础不牢造成这些荷兰房屋沉降。 (10) What are the primary design concerns in designing foundations? (10)在设计基础时主要设计重点是什么? Foundations are designed to have an adequate load capacity with limited settlement by a geotechnical engineer, and the footing itself may be designed structurally by a structural engineer. The primary design concerns are settlement and bearing capacity. 岩土工程师设计的基础目的是使基础在有限的沉降下有足够的承载能力,基础本身的结构由结构工程师设计。主要的设计问题是沉降和承载力。 When considering settlement, t


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