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Mobile phone;;;1.Introduction; 1.3 Background In 1902, the one called neisen·sitabufeierdeis the human mobile technology was first studied. In 1938, the United States Bell laboratory made the worlds first mobile phone. In April 1973,Mading·Kupa, also known as the father of the cell phone.“ Is the momentum of the development of the global smart-phone market is obvious, or continues to expand the scale of the market, between the manufacturers of the subscribers will continue rendering the white-hot momentum. ;2.Changes of a product/service from 1970 to 2014; Now fully into the 3G era 4G era is being developed, is not yet mature. About our 1.,2,3G technology for mobile development.;3.Relationship between the changes in demographic environment and the changes in the product/service;3.4 Increasing ethic diversity mobile phones more powerful is the embodiment of technological progress, and now mobile phones has become almost a universal digital terminals and Internet access;4.Relationship between the changes in economic environment and the changes in the product/service;血乳弄宦暇知椿道瞄妻绞焰列舰工富择详裸偷审屹洱珐队互佐信呼剑位磋手机应用以和未来发展手机应用以和未来发展; 4.2 Changing consumer spending patterns when mobile phones as the forefront of things, in peoples perceptions, affordable mobile phones are the top echelon of society can afford to have mobile phones are also being used as a status symbol.;4.3 Changes in tax countries want to increase domestic demand in their countries to the exclusion of foreign products, so that the Government will raise taxes to support the countrys products. 4.4 Global financial crisis phone industry is by serious of impact, to has 08 years, world States on financial crisis began has has must of awareness, after multifaceted of efforts, only didnt by more serious of impact, this for phone industry does is has surprised also has insurance of days.;5.Relationship between the changes in cultural environment and the changes in the product/service;5.1 Changes in sense of


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