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河南工程学院毕业设计(论文) 酒店实习所存在的问题及对策探讨 —以河南工程学院酒店管理专业为例 学生姓名 李倩倩 系(部) 经贸系 专 业 旅游与酒店管理 指导教师 付景保 2011年 6 月 6 日 摘要 随着我国酒店业的快速发展,对酒店管理人才的需求也快速增加。因此,为我国酒店行业培养更多具有良好思想素质、扎实理论基础和丰富业务知识,以及较强业务技能、身心健康的酒店管理人才就成为各高校酒店管理专业的培养方向。专业实习的开展对于培养学生牢固的专业思想、熟练的专业技能有着举足轻重的作用。高校组织学生进行科学化、制度化的专业实习是十分必要的。然而,由于学生对专业实习的认识不够,以及在实习过程中遇到的各种问题得不到及时反馈和解决等因素,影响了酒店实习的效果,学生的创新能力和实际动手能力很难提高。在实践过程中,学生、酒店、学校都遇到了一些难题,影响了酒店实习的效果,三方如何协调破解这些难题,急需慎重思考并妥善解决。本文以我院酒店管理专业的学生在酒店实习为例,谈谈酒店实习中存在的问题及对策探讨。 关键词:酒店管理专业;学生实习;现状分析;实习管理 Abstract With the rapid development of the hotels in China, hotel management talented person’s demand also increase rapidly. Therefore ,to cultivate more for our hotel industry has good ideological quality, solid theoretical foundation and rich business knowledge, and business skills, strong mental and physical health of the hotel management talent becomes various universities hotel management professional development direction. The development of the professional training in developing student’s strong professional thoughts, skilled professional skills has a pivotal role. College student’s scientific, institutionalization organization the professional practice is very necessary. However, due to professional internships students know enough, as well as in practice problems encountered in the process of not prompt feedback and solve the factors affected the hotel, internship effect, student’s innovation ability and practical ability hard to improve. In practice, students, hotel, school has had some problem, the impact of the hotel, the effects of tripartite practice how to coordinate these problems, crack, reconsideration and properly solve urgently needed. Based on our hotel management specialized students in the hotel for example, talk about hotel internship difficulty in the internship and countermeasures are discussed. Key words: hotel management specialty; students probation; analysis of the current sit


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