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Continued Contrastive analysis : systematically compare the first language and the target language. language transfer and interference negative transfer :interference of learning positive transfer : enhance of learning Continued Error analysis :the study and analysis of errors made by second and foreign language learners. Error and mistake difference: Error refers to the production of incorrect forms in speech and writing by a non-native speaker of a second language, due to his incomplete knowledge of the rules of that target language. Mistake refers to the production of incorrect forms caused by lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other performance. Continued Inter-language and fossilization : Inter-language is some in-between system while acquiring L2 which certainly contains aspects of both L1and L2, but which is inherently variable system with rules of its own. Fossilization is a form of inter-language that do not progress any further. Continued Input hypothesis Krashen’s comprehensible input : i +1 Continued Individual differences Language aptitude Cognitive style Personal traits Learning strategies Language aptitude Components of language aptitude Phonetic coding ability Grammatical sensitivity Inductive language learning ability Rote learning ability Cognitive style Field dependence and field independence Different cognitive styles will affect how they try to learn a language. Hasen and Stansfield(1981)believed that: That field dependent learner would be more successful at the communicative use of the L2. That field dependent learners would know more about the structure of the L2. Personal traits Introversion and extroversion It is believe that extroverts are generally more social and gregarious, enjoy change and excitement. The more introverted learners are reserved, willing to spend more time studying and practicing the forms of language. Learning strategies Particular approaches or techniques that learner use to t


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