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Argots(黑话):a secret language used by various groups—including, but not limited to, thieves and other criminals—to prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations. can-opener =all-purpose key dip=pick-pocket 雷子/扳子=警察 上天窗,下平台,掏底兜,插马后(南京小偷暗语) 找光阴=掏包 皮子=钱包 Dialectal words( 方言词): words which are used only by speakers of the dialect. beauty (AuE =excellent, great) auld (Scot=old) 瘪三 =Beg Sir 乞丐 Archaisms(古词/古语/古语词): words which were once in common use, but now are restricted only to specialized or limited use. They are found mainly in older poems, legal documents and religious writing or speech. thou / thee =you wilt=will p. 14 Ex. 8 haply = perhaps methinks = it seems to me sooth = truth troth = pledge quoth = said billow = wave/ the sea albeit = although eke = also morn = morning ere = before hallowed = holy bade = bid Neologisms(新词语/新词/旧词新义): newly created words and expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings. glocalization=globalization+localization Microelectronics; futurology; data bank; memory; the Pill, AIDS; internet 最新《现代汉语词典》第六版收录近3000新词: 黄金周 雷人 宅男 宅女 劈腿 给力 低碳 搞掂 八卦 达人 北漂 碰瓷 蚁族 香蕉人 MBA Besides the characteristics (all national character, stability, productivity, polysemy and Collocability), native words have two other features: 1) Neutral in style Since native words denote the commonest things in human society, they are used by all people, in all places, on all occasions, and at all times. So they are not stylistically specific. 2) Frequent in use Native words are most frequently used in everyday speech and writing. Although native words are small in number, their percentage in use runs usually as high as 70% to 90 %. Characteristics of native words According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing, borrowed words can be divided into four classes a. Denizens (同化词) Denizens are words borrowed early in the past and now assimilated into the English language. In other words they h


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