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Raccoon Story at Moon Lake 月湖浣熊的故事 When Karl came to this land in Canada, it was a waste land. There were few trees and no animals. 当卡尔来到加拿大的这片土地时,这里是一片荒地。几乎没有什么树,也没有什么动物。 He decided to make a change here. Over 30 years, he has planted more than 50,000 trees and dug a moon-shape lake. A forest begins to thrive along the lake. Karl calls this place Moon Lake.卡尔决定改造这里。他花了三十多年在这里种了五万多棵树,挖了一个月形的湖。湖周围 的森林开始茂盛起来。卡尔把这块地称作月湖。 Springs began to bubble out again. Many animals came back and found their home here. 春泉水“汩汩”地重新冒了出来。许多动物又回来了,并在月湖安了家。 Karl talks with all the animals, insects, plants, flowers and spring waters and rocks in his special way. They are his friends. 卡尔以自己独特的方式和这里所有的动物,昆虫和花草树木交流,与这里的春泉,还有石头交流。它们都是卡尔的朋友。 Chikadees, Bluejays and many other birds are singing; Fishes are swimming in the deep water and shallow water; 山雀,冠蓝鸦,还有许多鸟儿在唱歌;鱼儿在深浅不一的湖水中游泳; Squirrels are chasing each other on the deck; Deer Mom and her fauns are looking for food in the forest; Sometimes a passing hare will stop and peek at Karl when he is taking a walk… All these animals are Karl’s friends. 松鼠们在露台上追来追去;鹿妈妈和她的宝宝们正在森 林中觅食;有时一只过路的野兔会停下来偷看正在散步的卡尔。。。。。。他们都是他的朋友。 Let’s get to know Karl’s friends raccoons first. 让我们认识一下浣熊朋友吧。 The raccoons are most active when we are asleep. They have a mind of their own and are at least as stubborn as squirrels can be. These large cat-size animals with their gray-black and white coats, striped tails and their clever bandit-like faces with black masks, are perhaps giving us a hint that we have to deal with nature’s bandits. With their hands and feet of great dexterity they will tackle almost anything that needs or does not need to be investigated. They look so cute that one would forgive them almost anything. They are so smart that one has to watch out for them always. 浣熊在我们睡觉的时候是最为活跃的。它们有着自己的思想,至少也像松鼠那么顽固。这些猫型大小、有着 灰黑间白外衣、条纹尾巴、像土匪一样的戴着黑面具的大动物


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