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窗体顶端 MIS简答题 Chapter1 SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 33) What is the relationship between management information systems (MIS) and information technology (IT)? ANSWER: MIS is a broad business function and the study of the use of IT. IT is a set of tools and a resource within MIS. What four steps should an organization follow in determining which technologies to use? ANSWER: The four steps are: (1) assess the state of competition and industry pressures, (2) determine business strategies, (3) identify important business processes, and (4) align technology tools with the business processes. What is the relationship between data, information, business intelligence (BI), and knowledge? ANSWER: Each build on the previous. Data are raw facts, while information is data that has meaning. Business intelligence is collective information that gives you the ability to make strategic business decisions. Finally, knowledge is a broad term that can encompass BI context, how to affect BI, patents and trademarks, and organizational know-how. How does the granularity of information change as it moves from lower to upper organizational levels? ANSWER: At the lowest levels, information granularity is very fine because people need tremendous detail to perform their jobs. As information moves up through the organization, it becomes more coarse because people don’t need as much detail but rather aggregations of information. What is the difference between a technology-literate knowledge worker and an information-literate knowledge worker? ANSWER: A technology-literate knowledge worker knows how and when to apply technology; that is, he/she understands the value and role of technology. An information-literate knowledge worker knows all about information; that is, he/she understands the value and role of information. How do ethics differ from laws? ANSWER: Laws either clearly require or prohibit an action. Ethics are more subjective, more a matter of person



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