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《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是一部出版于1936年的美国 小说,作者为玛格丽特·米契尔,在1937年获得普利策奖。这本小说是其作者在世时出版的唯一一部作品,也是美国史上最为畅销的小说之 一。 此书名取自恩斯特·道森的诗《sum qualís eram bonae sub regno Cynarae》第三段第一句?: 我忘却的太多了,Cynara!随风而去.(原文:I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind).书名的也同样在小说中出现:当思嘉丽为躲避北方军对亚特兰大的轰击,逃回她家族的农场,塔拉.有一个瞬间,她想到:塔拉还在吗?抑或是它已经随着席卷佐治亚州的风暴而去了呢?(Was Tara still standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia? ) Scarlett O‘Hara(斯嘉丽·欧哈拉) Scarlett: As God as my witness...as god as my witness theyre not going to lick me. Im going to live through this and when its all over, Ill never be hungry again .N o, nor any of my folk . If I have to lie , steal, cheat,or kill, as God as my witness ,I ll never be hungry again.(Out of this complete defeat a new and mature Scarlett is born.) Rhett Butler (瑞德·巴特勒) He is a very wild ,intractable and chic , and once said never marry. But gradually, he fell in love with Scarlette ,and eventually become her third husband. In the end, he was hurt by Scarlette ,and went away. Rhett:I?think?it’s?hard?winning?a?war?with?words. Scarlette :Sir,?you’re?no?gentleman. ?Rhett:And?you?miss?are?no?lady.?? The reason why I love this book The plots The story happened in American civil war, it is not only a love story, but also a film with deep meanings, such as Land?is?the?only?thing?in?the?world?worth? working for,?worth?fighting?for,?worth?dying?for.?Because?its?the?only?thing?that?lasts.?????(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作,?为之战斗,?为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。) At first, she just a beautiful, spoiled and arrogant girl. But gradually, she becomes strong and thoughtful. She is not like a perfect heroin of many novels, she can sacrifice anything , just to live , to ensure her sense of belongings, to protect her home and family. But, in my point of view, this is true life ,this is true human’s characters. 谢谢观看! Thank you for your watching!



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