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22. a head of 在……前面;领先 运用:理解划线部分的意思并翻译句子。 ⑴ They managed to finish the assignment two weeks ahead of time. ⑵ He is far ahead of his class in English. ⑶ Two people were ahead of us,travelling fast. 有两个人在我们的前面,他们走得很快。 他们提前两周完成了任务。 他在英语方面远远超过其它同学的水平。 23.gifted adj. 有天赋的 ___________ n. 礼物;天赋 ____________________________ [搭配]在……有天赋 be gifted in或 have a gift/talent for gift 运用: ⑴ It is known that he was gifted ___ painting when he was young. When he grew up,he turned _______(gift) artist. ⑵ He has a gift ____ music. for in gifted 24. approve v. 赞成;认可;批准 用法: approve of sb./sth. 赞成/同意某人/某事 approve of sb.’s doing sth. 同意某人做某事 approve the plan 批准计划 拓展: approval n. 同意;批准 give one’s approval to 批准 运用: (1)My parents now _____________________________ (同意了我的婚姻). (2)You can join the class _______________________ (如果你父母同意). (3)He showed his ______________________________ (用微笑表示赞成). (4)The plan to increase expenditure ________________________(已获通过). approve of my marriage if your parents approve approval by smiling has been approved 25. demand vt. 强烈要求 n.要求,需求 用法: demand sth. 要求某物 demand sth.of/from sb. 向某人要求某物 demand to do 要求做…… demand that... 要求……(从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可省略) 拓展: in demand 需求 on demand一些要求 运用: (1)________________________________ (有人要求)the prime minister to resign. (2)After school Tom ___________________________ (要求我帮助). (3)She demanded that I _________________________________________ (我把知道的整个事情都告诉她) There have been demands for demanded help from/of me should) tell everything to her about it Thanks for your attention! 本模板来源于网络,由17PPT模板网整理发布,免费分享给大家使用。 17PPT模板网是国内最专业的PPT模板分享网站,所有模板均经严格测试,保证100%下载,100%精彩! 更多精彩PPT模板,敬请访问 使用时删除此备注即可。 配色方案修改: 配色方案在【格式】--【幻灯片设计】--【配色方案】--【编辑配色方案】下调整。 LOGO的添加: Logo添加修改在【视图】--【母版】--【幻灯片母版】下调整。直接选择logo图片删除或修改。 字体格式的设置: 括标题和文本格式的设置在【视图】--【母版】--【幻灯片母版】下调整。 e.g.: His continuous effort is to make him a successful man. You are to be back befo



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