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stxb201301290185最后修改稿 应用拱棚-空调法对极干旱区降水的模拟回收 李红寿,2 * 汪万福1,2 詹鸿涛1 邱飞1 武发思1,2 张国彬1,2 (1敦煌研究院,736200;2.古代壁画保护国家文物局重点科研基地,甘肃 敦煌736200) 摘要:拱棚法极干旱区存在潜水蒸发,而土壤表明这意味着,极干旱区并不存在潜水蒸发。为此笔者降雨模拟回收。结果表明,在极干旱条件下占该区85%以上频次的5 mm的降水经90 d可完全蒸发和回收。棚内地上50 cm 的RH和AHAbsolute Humidity 绝对湿度)分别棚外12.10%和3.50 g/m3,使降水的回收时间大为延长;另外,土壤内部的温湿度监测表明,洒水后30?cm土壤的温度、RH、AH分别高棚外对照1.46?℃、4.17%和2.50?g/m3,说明有一定数量的降水通过膜下土壤侧向流向了外部,时间。证明极干旱区降水可完全蒸发,存在潜水蒸发与GSPACGroundwater-Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum)水分向上运转。 关键词:降水;极干旱地区;潜水蒸发 Application of a g air-conditioning method to simulate take-back of rainfall in an extremely arid area LI Hongshou1, 2 ,Wang Wanfu 1,2Zhan Hongtao1, Qiu Fei1, 2 ,WU Fasi1, 2 , Zhang Guobing1, 2 1 The Conservation Institute of Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, 736200, Gansu, China 2 Key Scientific Research Base of Conservation for Ancient Mural, Dunhuang Academy, State Administration for Cultural Heritage, Dunhuang, 736200, Gansu, China Abstract: A preliminary greenhouse air-conditioning method demonstrates that there is phreatic water evaporation of deeply buried phreatic water in an extremely arid area. Soil-moisture monitoring shows that most daily fluctuation of moisture in the shallow soil layer of 0–60 cm enters deeper layers as water vapor; only 2‰ of this daily fluctuation water enters the atmosphere and evaporates. Monitoring of 0–500 cm soil depths shows that during May through October (the principal rainy season), temperature and absolute humidity in upper soil layers are greater than in lower layers. According to the law of water vapor migration, moisture moves from regions of higher temperature and humidity to those with lower temperature and humidity. Thus, in the aforementioned season within an extremely arid area, conditions may be suitable for rainwater vapor to move downward to the subsoil. This may mean that some rainwater does not evaporate into the atmosphere but penetrates the earth in such areas, and precipitation is likely the main source of deep soil moisture. This sugges



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