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上海交大–佐治亚理工 ISyE双硕士项目 宣讲会 Why Join Our SJTU-GT-ISyE Dual MS Degree Program? Table of Content (24 pages) ? #1 School Reputation ? Excellent Professors and Hot Major ? Strong Alumni Network ? Industry Connection ? Ph.D. Studies ? Better than Study the MS degree in US? ? Why and how does ISyE program train engineering managers? 佐治亚理工学院 Industrial Systems Engineering What Does #1 Program Translate To for SJTU Students? What Does Excellent Professor Teach? What Does Excellent Professor Teach? What Does Excellent Professor Teach? What Does Excellent Professor Teach? Why ISyE is a Hot Major? Why ISyE is a Hot Major? Why ISyE is a Hot Major? What Does Alumni Network Contribute? Alumni’s Contribution Industry Connection Industry Connection Ph.D. Studies Ph.D. Studies Is this program better than studies in the US for MS degrees? Is this program better? Is this program better? Is this program better? Why and how Does the Program Train Engineering Managers? * 2008.10.30 Prepared by Deputy Director Dr. J.-C. Lu and ISyE Dual MS Degree Student Vincent Lv 演讲人: Vincent Lv Training the Next Generation Engineering Managers, Directors, VPs and CEOs Setting Up the Bridge for Getting Into Top ISyE Programs in the World for Becoming Academic Professors 美国佐治亚理工学院(GIT)是世界著名的大学,也是美国著名的三大理工学院(麻省理工MIT 、加州理工CIT、佐治亚理工GIT)之一,尤其它的工程学科是美国顶尖的。 工业工程专业连续18年在全美排名第一,是美国最大的工业工程学院。 High Reputation in Industry and Academic Position Placements Excellent Lifelong Learning Experience for Creative Thinking Skills Enriched Technical and Management Program and Entrepreneurship/Leadership Training Strong Collaboration with Peers in Industry, Government and Academy Domain-Specific Knowledge, e.g., Manufacturing enterprise system design, construction, monitoring and control. Service enterprise system (e.g., finance systems, supply-chain systems, airline, truck, sea transportation systems; information systems; health systems) design, improvement, monitoring and control. Independent Thin


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