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林 业 科 学 研 究 2009, 22 (2) : 16 1~165 F ores t R esea rch   文章编号 : 100 11498 (2009) 02 016 105 激光雷达沙尘参数提取技术研究 张怀清 , 胡红玲 , 鞠洪波 , 陈永富 (中国林业科学研究院资源信息研究所 ,北京  100091) 摘要 :对激光雷达沙尘天气监测技术进行了研究 ,详细分析了 M ie散射激光雷达气溶胶和沙尘参数计算方法 。分 析 、设计并用 C#语言开发了用于处理和分析激光雷达回波信号的大气和沙尘参数反演软件系统 。利用后向散射激 ( ) 光雷达 LB - D200 对北京市 2006年春季沙尘天气进行监测试验 ,通过软件计算气溶胶参数 ,计算结果与其他监测 结果相符 。结果表明:通过退偏振系数可以计算出大气气溶胶中沙尘含量 ,后向散射激光雷达在沙尘天气沙尘的垂 直分布探测中具有优势 。 关键词 :激光雷达 ;沙尘 ;气溶胶 ;消光系数 ;气溶胶光学厚度 中图分类号 : S77 1. 8 文献标识码 : A Study on M on itor ing Techn iques of Sand and D ust Param eter s U sing L idar Sy stem ZHAN G H ua iqing , HU H ong ling , J U H ong bo , CHEN Yong f u (R esearch In stitute of Forest R esou rce Inform ation Techn iques, CA F, B eij ing 10009 1, Ch ina) A b stract: In th is p ap er, the L idar du st even ts mon itoring techn ique s were studied. The aero so l and du st p aram eters and calcu lating u sing M ie scattering L idar were detailed analyzed. A software of aero so l and du st p aram eters calcu lating system wa s also analyzed, de signed and develop ed u sing C # language wh ich can dispo se and analyze echo signal of L idar. The back scattering L idar (LB D200) wa s u sed to mon itor sand and du st weather at B eij ing in sp ring of 2006, The au thors calcu lated aero so l p aram eters u sing develop ed software, and the re su lts were coordinated w ith other mon itor m ethod. The re su lt showed that the du st con ten ts cou ld be calcu lated by the depo larization p aram eters and back scattering L idar ha s the advan tage of detecting vertical structu re of the du st layer. Key words:L idar; sand and du st; aero so l; extinction coeffic


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