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unit10;Lesson 1;Lesson 1;1-Lead-in; T F 1. Bob is selling his camera. □ □ 2. Bob has three cameras. □ □ 3. The camera for sale is a digital camera. □ □ 4. Paul bargains hard for the camera. □ □ 5. Marie buys the camera. □ □;1-Exercise B;1-Listening;1-Part-1; Conversation 1.___________ Conversation 2.___________ Conversation 3.___________ Conversation 4.___________;1-Part-3;1-Part 4;1-Part-4-1;1. Where did John Croft work? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2. When was the traffic worst in Vancouver? ____________________________________ 3. What kind of trip was the most profitable according to John Croft? ____________________________________ 4. What was the most interesting customer like? _____________________________________________________ 5. How much was the largest tip John Croft had received? ____________________________________;digital a. 数字的 gorgeous a. 极好的 electronics n. 电子产品 camcorder n. 可携式摄像机 scanner n. 扫描仪 peso n. 比索(用于菲律宾及 中、南 美洲几个国家的货币单位) euro n. 欧元 cab n. 出租汽车,计程车 bother v. 烦扰,打扰 fare n. 车费;运费 anymore adv. 不再,再也不 retired a. 退休的;1-Phrases and Expressions;1-Proper Names;1-Speaking;1-Conversation-Model;1-Conversation Pair Work;1-Reading;1. __________________: machine where you put your card in and take money out 2. _________________: leaving money for your waiter or waitress after you eat in a restaurant 3. ________________: similar to cash, but only you can use them. You sign them when you buy them and then again when you use them. 4. _________________: asking for a lower price 5. _________________: trading money from one country for money for another country 6. _________________: small plastic cards that can be used to buy something now and pay it later;1-Topic Preview;;TA-Text-1;TA-Text-2;bargain;custom;exchange;acting;discount;exchange rate;at all;agree to;have fun;TA-Comprehension Check;;TB-Warm-up;TB-Text-1;TB-Text-2;TB-Text-3;satisfied;server;p


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