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矿井采深对涌水量的影响分析( 张学焱1,徐春燕1,徐狮1,王丹1,饶运章1,2 (1. 江西理工大学,江西赣州 341000;2. 江西省矿业工程重点实验室,江西赣州 341000) 摘要:分析矿井涌水的影响因素、矿井开采过程中周边岩体的地压变化,得出开采深度影响涌水的机理。采用水文地质比拟法原理,结合两组实例统计数据,应用采深比拟法和SPSS软件函数拟合,得出开采深度对矿井涌水量的影响。从水文地质、地质构造、矿体赋存条件、开采方法、矿岩的物理力学性质、自然环境因素等方面分析影响矿井涌水的因素;结合海姆定律、开挖应力变化范围说明采深和地压变化的关系,得出采深影响涌水的机理。拟合结果表明:外部因素的不同如岩溶裂隙发育,采用多种工程类比法,选取最优进行预测,具有优越性。 关键词:采深;涌水;地压;水文地质比拟法;SPSS Mine mining depth on the influence of water inflow ZHANG Xue-yan1,XU Chun-yan1,XU Shi1,WANG Dan1,RAO Yun-zhang1,2 (1.Jiangxi university of science and technology, GanZhou, JiangXi 341000, China;2. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Mining Engineering, Ganzhou, JiangXi 341000,ChinaAbstract: Analysis the influence factors of mine water, analysis mine mining ground pressure of the surrounding rock mass in the process of change, it is concluded that mining depth affect the mechanism of water. On the principle of hydrology geologic analogy method, combining with an instance of two groups of statistical data, the application of deep analogy method and SPSS software function fitting, it is concluded that the influence of the mining depth of mine water inflow. From hydrogeology, geologic structure, orebody occurrence conditions, mining methods, physical and mechanical properties of ore-bearing rock, the natural environment factors analysis of the influencing factors of mine water burst. Combined with haims law, excavation stress range explains the relationship between mining depth and pressure changes, it is concluded that mining depth affect the mechanism of water. The fitting results show that the external factors such as karst fracture, use a variety of engineering analogy method, choose the optimal forecast, has the superiority. Key words: Mining depth; Pour water; Pressure; Hydrogeological analogy method; SPSS 矿井涌水于矿山百害而无一利,大多数矿山在这一方面投入大量的人力和物力来解决涌水带来的危害。涌水会影响围岩的稳定性,会影响矿山的正常生产,在煤矿和某些金属矿山矿井涌水会污染和破坏地下水体和地表水体,甚至破坏当地的生态系统[1-2],大的涌水事故会形成淹井等灾害,带来了巨大的损失和危害[3-4]。因此前人在矿山涌水方面做了大量的研究工作[5-15],来控制和减少矿井涌水带来的损失和危害。本文着重研究矿井开采深度变化对涌水量的影响



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