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sexual transmission of xmrv a potential infection routexmrv潜在感染的性传播路线
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Advances in Virology
Volume 2011, Article ID 965689, 5 pages
Research Article
Sexual Transmission of XMRV: A Potential Infection Route
Prachi Sharma,1 Kenneth A. Rogers,1 Suganthi Suppiah,2 Ross J. Molinaro,2
Nattawat Onlamoon,2, 3 John Hackett Jr.,4 Gerald Schochetman,4 Eric A. Klein,5
Robert H. Silverman,6 and Franc¸ois Villinger1, 2
1 Division of Pathology, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA
2 Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA
3 Offi ce for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Bangkok 10700, Thailand
4 Abbott Diagnostics, Emerging Pathogens and Virus Discovery, Abbott Park, IL 60064, USA
5 Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute and LRI, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
6 Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Prachi Sharma, psharm9@
Received 27 April 2011; Accepted 25 May 2011
Academic Editor: Arifa S. Khan
Copyright © 2011 Prachi Sharma et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Although XMRV dissemination in humans is a matter of debate, the prostate of select patients seem to harbor XMRV, which
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XMRV. In spite of the intravenous inoculation, all infected macaques exhibited readily detectable XMRV signal in the reproduc
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