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四种再矿化制剂对酸蚀乳牙釉质影响的比较研究 钱维雯 林居红 胡赟 (口腔疾病与生物医学重庆市重点实验室,重庆医科大学附属口腔医院儿童口腔科,重庆 401147) 【摘要】目的 比较4种再矿化制剂对酸蚀乳牙釉质表面硬度和表面形态的影响。方法 选择因滞留拔除的下颌乳中切牙制成釉质块,选择硬度值介于280-330 HV的釉质块60个,随机分为5组。将5组样本进行可口可乐酸蚀处理,5次/d,5min/次,共5天。酸蚀完成后5组样本分别涂布去离子水、CPP–ACP、CPP-ACP+F 、TCP+F、多乐氟,酸蚀-矿化处理5天。采用显微硬度法测量处理前后牙釉质表面硬度,采用扫描电镜观察牙釉质表面形态的变化。结果 CPP–ACP组、CPP-ACP+F组、TCP+F组、多乐氟组4组显微硬度值均高于去离子水组(P<0.05),但4组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。扫描电镜显示除去离子水组以外,其余4组釉质样本均出现了矿物质的沉积。结论 CPP–ACP、CPP-ACP+F、TCP+F、多乐氟均能抑制酸蚀乳牙釉质的持续脱矿。 【关键词】酸蚀;乳牙釉质;显微硬度;扫描电镜; Comparison of the Effect of Four Remineralization Agents on eroded primary teeth enamel (Chongqing Key Laboratory for Oral Diseases and Biomedical Science,The Affiliated Hospital of Stomatology, Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 401147,China) 【Abstract】Objective: To compare the effect of four novel remineralization agents on surface microhardness and surface morphology of erosive primary teeth enamel. Methods: Retained mandibular primary central incisors were collected at clinic and 60 samples , hardness between 280-330 HV, were selected.The samples were processed into enamel slabs and then were randomly divided into five groups.The samples were first immersed into Coca-Cola for 5min, 5 times a day for five days,then applied distilled water, CPP–ACP,CPP-ACP+F,TCP+F, Duraphat fluoride varnish, respectively,undergoing erosion-remineralization treatment for five days. The microhardness of enamel surface before and after treatment was measured by Micro hardness tester, the morphology changes of enamel surface was observed by scanning electron microscope. Rresults: The microhardness in CPP–ACP group ,CPP-ACP+F,TCP+F , Duraphat fluoride varnish was obviously higher than that in distilled water group(P0.05) and there was no significant difference between the former four groups. Lots of mineral deposit was observed with scanning electron microscope in other four groups except in distilled water group.Conclusion: CPP–ACP,CPP-ACP+F,TCP+F and Duraphat fluoride varnish can inhibit erosive prima


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