41 The Concepts of Force and Mass - Denton …:41的概念,力和质量-丹顿….ppt

41 The Concepts of Force and Mass - Denton …:41的概念,力和质量-丹顿….ppt

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41 The Concepts of Force and Mass - Denton …:41的概念,力和质量-丹顿…

Learning Objectives- Circular motion and rotation Uniform circular motion Students should understand the uniform circular motion of a particle, so they can: Relate the radius of the circle and the speed or rate of revolution of the particle to the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration. Describe the direction of the particle’s velocity and acceleration at any instant during the motion. Determine the components of the velocity and acceleration vectors at any instant, and sketch or identify graphs of these quantities. Analyze situations in which an object moves with specified acceleration under the influence of one or more forces so they can determine the magnitude and direction of the net force, or of one of the forces that makes up the net force, in situations such as the following: Motion in a horizontal circle (e.g., mass on a rotating merry-go-round, or car rounding a banked curve). Motion in a vertical circle (e.g., mass swinging on the end of a string, cart rolling down a curved track, rider on a Ferris wheel). Chapter 5: Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion Section 1: Uniform Circular Motion Other Effects of Forces Up until now, we’ve focused on forces that speed up or slow down an object. We will now look at the third effect of a force Turning We need some other equations as the object will be accelerating without necessarily changing speed. DEFINITION OF UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION Newton’s Laws 1st When objects move along a straight line the sideways/perpendicular forces must be balanced. 2nd When the forces directed perpendicular to velocity become unbalanced the object will curve. 3rd The force that pulls inward on the object, causing it to curve off line provides the action force that is centripetal in nature. The object will in return create a reaction force that is centrifugal in nature. Chapter 5: Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion Section 2: Centripetal Acceleration Chapter 5: Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion Section 3: Centripetal Force R


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