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第 7 卷第 3 期              腹 腔 镜 外 科 杂 志              Vol. 7 ,No. 3  2002 年 9 月            JOURNAL OF LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY         Sep. 2002   ( ) 文章编号 :1009 - 6612 2002 03 - 0159 - 02 一孔法腹腔镜下精索内静脉高位结扎 42 例报告 张  魁 ,邓小枫 ,王克成 ,闫自强 ,徐苑苑 ,冯  晶① (解放军 451 医院全军腹腔镜治疗中心 ,西安  710054)   【摘要】 目的 :总结一孔法腹腔镜下精索内静脉高位结扎的临床经验。方法 :一孔法行腹腔镜下精索内 静脉高位结扎术 42 例 ,其中左侧曲张 35 例 ,双侧曲张 7 例。结果 :患者手术均获成功 ,无并发症发生 ,平均 手术时间 30min ,术后平均住院 3d 。结论 :一孔法行腹腔镜下精索内静脉高位结扎术是一种可选的术式 ,患 者痛苦小 ,损伤轻 ,恢复快 ,更具有美容、微创的治疗效果 ,但要增加设备 ,操作难度较大 ,对术者的要求更高。   【关键词】 精索静脉曲张 ;高位结扎术 ;一孔法腹腔镜 + 中图分类号:R697 24  文献标识码 :A High ligation of internal spermatic vein under laparoscopy in one hole method : with a report of 42 cases Zhang Kui , Deng Xiaofeng , Wang Kecheng ,et al (Dept Laparoscopic Surgery Center of PLA , 451 Hospital of PLA , Xi ’an  710054)   【Abstract 】 Objective :To review the clinical experience of high ligation of internal spermatic vein under la paroscopy with one hole methodMethods :Among the 42 cases accepted high ligation of internal spermatic vein under la paroscopy with one hole method , 35 cases had varicocele on left side , 7 cases on both sidesResults :All the operations succeeded and none had complication. The average duration of operation was 30 minutes and the average hospitalization was 3 daysConclusions :It is the way that can be choiced for high ligation of internal spermatic vein under laparoscopy with the one hole methed. This one hole method has the advantages of dear visual field , simple procedure , safe , quickly recovery , microtraumatic and less ineidences of complication , but it needs add equipments and it is more difficult for ma nipulating , advanced techniqe for operater   【Key words 】 Varicocele ; High ligat


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