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       294 2006 6        PET ROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT       Vol.33 No. 3  :1000-0747(2006)03-029-4 05 王雪1, 2 (1. 中国石油大学(北京);2. 中国石油大庆油田勘探开发研究院) :大庆油田有限责任公司攻关项目“大庆长垣及以西地区扶杨油层油气运聚成藏及有利区带 测” :齐家凹陷是松辽盆地的主要 油凹陷之 一, 扶杨油层是其主要含油层位。在大庆油田40 多年的勘探历程中, 一直 认为大庆长垣的原油是由两侧 油凹陷提供的。 齐家凹陷北部扶杨油层的油源 一直存在争论, 通过原油的族群划分和油 源对比研究, 认为齐家凹陷北部扶杨油层原油是由本地区的青 一段烃源岩自 的成熟石油, 否定了运移来的观点, 证实了 大庆长垣的低熟烃源岩也有 烃潜力, 扩展了勘探的思路。 图5 表2 参17 :松辽盆地;齐家凹陷;大庆长垣;原油;油源 :TE122. 1   :A Oil sources of Fuyang oil formation in Qijia Sag and Daqing Placanticline, Songliao Basin 1,2 WANG Xue (1. China University of Petroleum, Beij ing 102249, China;2.Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Daqing ilf ield Limited Company, Heilongj iang 163000, China) Abstract:Qijia Sag is one of the i portant petroleu generative depressions in the Songliao Basin, and the Fuyang oil for ation is the ain oi-l bearing for ation. Different opinions existed on oil sources of the Fuyang oil for ation in the northern Qijia Sag. By eans of oil population division and oi-l source correlation, it is showed that the crude oil of the for ation originated fro the local Qingshankou No. 1 For ation. It negates the viewpoint of igration. In the past 40 years, it was believed that the sags on both sides supplied the oil of Daqing Placanticline. Oi-l oil and oi-l source correlations reveal that there is low ature authigenic oil in the placanticline,which proves that low ature source rocks havethe genetic potential in Daqing Placanticline. Key words:Songliao Basin;Qijia Sag;Daqing Placanticline;crude oil;oil sources   , () 。2002 ,708 ,19.244t , 。 , 。 40 , [1] ———— 。 , 。 1


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